Nets Owner Joe Tsai Gets To Bottom Of Kyrie Irving's Anti-Semitic Situation, Still Ignores Chinese Atrocities

Brooklyn Nets owner Joseph Tsai has declared that Kyrie Irving is not anti-Semitic.

Tsai, who is a Chinese-Canadian billionaire, has never condemned China's record on human rights or Uyghur concentration camps, but has now looked into Kyrie Irving's heart and passed favorable judgement.

Tsai announced his revelation in a Twitter post on Friday after Tsai and his wife met with Kyrie and the Irving family.

So let's just get this straight. Tsai has peered into Kyrie Irving's soul and found his true beliefs and said they pass muster. Yet Tsai, at the very least, has financially benefited from atrocities committed by the Chinese government to Muslim Uyghurs via the success of his Alibaba company, which he co-founded.


We're still waiting for Tsai to have a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping to look into his heart and find out if he has any "beliefs of hate" towards people of any group. Or to even mildly suggest China has an atrocious and horrific record on human rights.


As OutKick's Clay Travis has asked, why won't Joseph Tsai condemn China?

Although we can agree that what Irving did was wrong, why is Tsai remotely positioned to be the moral judge and jury of Kyrie Irving or anyone?

He has continually and consistently turned a willful blind eye to what is occurring in China, where he has vast business relationships.

Tsai's tweet above literally says, “It’s wrong to promote hate based on race, ethnicity or religion.”

Isn't that what the Chinese are doing in the Xinjiang region? The Council of Foreign Relations reports that the Chinese government has imprisoned more than one million of the mostly Muslim people since 2017.

Hell, even the usually absent United Nations says that China is responsible for, "serious human rights violations."

Not Nets owner Joe Tsai though. Instead, he's the guy having in-depth conversations with Kyrie Irving to determine how he really feels about Jewish people.


The selective outrage is appalling. Nets fans should be outraged while the gutless NBA should be ashamed.

But what do we expect from a league that has also been silent on the Chinese treatment against LGBTQ communities, the Uyghurs and more?

The NBA clearly only cares about its financial interests. Kyrie Irving was suspended for sharing a link to an Anti-Semitic film but the NBA continues to do whatever it can to become more intertwined in the massive Chinese market.

When China issued an 18-month broadcast blackout of NBA games after then-Houston Rockets owner Daryl Morey tweeted an image in support of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, the NBA made a decision:

Do we want to protect human rights, or do we want to serve China?

The NBA and owners like Joe Tsai of the Brooklyn Nets, made their decision very clear. Morey lost his job with the Rockets.


The Nets initially suspended the All-Star guard for a minimum of 5 games in response to Irving referencing an anti-Semitic film on his Twitter page. In a statement, the team said Irving, "refused to unequivocally say he has no anti-Semitic beliefs, nor acknowledge specific hateful material."

It's still unclear when Irving will return to the team.

The five games will be in the bank after tomorrow night's Nets road game against the Clippers, meaning he could be able to suit up in Los Angeles when the Nets face the Lakers, although ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski says that is unlikely.

The National Basketball Players Association, of which Irving is the Vice President, sent a memo to its members on Friday, saying that they expect a resolution to Irving's suspension "very soon," per Woj.


Although Tsai's Alibaba Group isn't blacklisted by the U.S. government, some of the companies that they have partnered with are. Tsai has been silent about this, as well as the atrocities that are occurring in the Xianjiang region.

There was serious backlash against the NBA and the Brooklyn Nets for taking so long to figure out a punishment for Irving. Yet we are still awaiting even one of the Brooklyn Nets beat reporters or anyone who regularly covers the NBA to seriously press Tsai about his clear double standard when it comes to human rights and genocide inside China.

Watch below for more on Clay Travis ripping into Tsai's double standards:

Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.