Mugshots Bar And Grill In Tennessee Goes Out With A Bang When Several Employees Have Their Mugshots Taken On The Last Day Of Business
Mugshots Bar and Grill in Cordova, Tennessee closed its doors for good on Sunday. All of the food was half off and the hookahs were free to customers all day long.
A few employees, including a manager, decided to pay homage to the business on its final day of operation. They did so by beating up a waitress and having their own mugshots taken. Talk about going out with a bang.

People hanging out at a bar (Image Credit: Getty)
According to Memphis Police, officers were called to Mugshots on December 10 due to an assault that had taken place. When they arrived the victim of the assault, a waitress at the establishment, said it all started when she talked to her manager's ex-boyfriend.
The exchange with the ex-boyfriend led to an argument with the manager, Shereva Dortch. A few of her coworkers, Arlina Fox, Nyla Fields, and Cailyn Williams, reportedly joined in on the argument.
At some point the argument turned physical and the waitress claims that the manager and ten other people attacked her from behind. She was punched, kicked, and stomped after falling to the ground during the attack.
To make matters worse, her car and house keys were reportedly stolen. The Memphis Police also say she suffered several injuries.
These Employees Gave Mugshots The Sendoff It Was Destined To Have
The waitress was reportedly knocked unconscious, had two black eyes and received several bruises and cuts. She was taken to a nearby hospital.
As for the manager and the three other employees, they were arrested and judging from the mugshots that were taken of them, proud of their final day of work at Mugshots.
Dortch, Fox, Fields, and Williams were all charged with aggravated assault. All bonded out of jail following their arrests.
Could the last day at Mugshots Bar and Grill gone any other way?
Having a few mughsots taken seems like one of those moments were the stars align perfectly and everything comes together as it should.