Mom Sells Home In Order To Pay For Boob Job After Being Unable To Pick Up Her Kids
A mom in the UK had a tough choice to make recently. Continue to deal with a variety of health issues due to her 34 H-cup boobs or sell her house to pay to get said boobs reduced.
Victoria Marsh, who apparently wasn't interested in making money off of her large boobs, says that her troubles started when she was just 16. Now 33, her condition has worsened since she breastfed her kids.
She said, "Most people's boobs get deflated after breastfeeding but mine got bigger."

Mom sells house to pay for boob job. (Image Credit: Getty)
Some might consider this a bonus. Marsh is not one of them. Over the years Marsh's boobs have caused her constant pain in the muscles in her neck.
She's dealt with multiple infections under her boobs and the inconvenience of having to purchase custom made bras. Her issues made it difficult for her to even pick up her own kids.
After finding out that she wasn't eligible for breast reduction surgery under the UK’s publicly funded healthcare system, she sold her house to pay to have her boobs reduced.
Marsh used nearly $13,000 from the sale of her home and another $3,800 via a loan to pay for the procedure.
"I constantly had strained muscles in my neck and infections in skin under boobs," she said. "I was constantly putting talc under there."
She continued, "I started to feel them pushing down on my ribs."
This Boob Job Teaches Us That Going Bigger Isn't Always Better
Following a failed attempt to qualify to have her breast reduction covered by UK's healthcare system and resorting to selling her house to cover the cost, she's happy with the results.
Marsh, now a 34 C-cup size, says she feels more confident with her new boobs and can do more with her kids. She said, "I can do a lot more with the children. I can wear the things I want to wear and not feel self-conscious."
While there might not be any bimbofication in her future, she's happy with how things turned out. She added, "The procedure was so worth it, and my quality of life has improved a thousand times over."
All we seem to hear about these days are the success stories of those who go bigger. It's good to hear that a reduction can also have a happy ending.

Mom sell her home to help pay for breast reduction (Image Credit: Getty)