Man With Spectacular Mullet Tased While Trying To Elude Mall Security After Reportedly Urinating On Things At Bass Pro Shop
Believe it or not, there are still some folks who head out to the mall to do their Christmas shopping. Crazy, I know. But this scene at the Opry Mills Mall in Nashville this week makes a strong case that more of us should still be doing so.
A "big-boned" individual was caught on video running through the mall - with his spectacular mullet flowing behind him - trying to outrun a pursuing security guard.

Man with a mullet tased in the Opry Mills Mall in Nashville (Image Credit: Scoop: Nashville/X)
It was never going to happen. Not that close to Thanksgiving anyway. But this off-duty police officer didn't want to wait for the man to tire himself out.
He's not getting a lot of action as a mall security guard after all and it would be a shame if he went the entire holiday season without deploying his taser at least once.
They're not handing them out for looks. Those things are meant to be deployed. So that's exactly what he did. If you caught Screencaps earlier this week then you've already seen the video, but here it is again.
What wasn't known at the time is why the security guard was chasing our mullet sporting hero. The local news got to the bottom of it.
It turns out John Huff's troubles started in the Bass Pro Shop. While fitting the description of a Bass Pro Shop guy, he wasn't in there doing any shopping, Christmas or otherwise.
Head Out To The Opry Mills Mall You Might Just See A Man Get Tased
Huff had other plans for his trip to the sporting goods store. He was there to pee on things.
That's right, according to the local news report, there's video of Huff urinating on things before being confronted by the security guard - I can't wait for that video to surface.
After catching Huff in the act, the off-duty officer attempted to arrest him. That's when he made a break for it and was eventually tased.
After catching his breath and having the taser prongs removed from his back, Huff received a citation for urinating fiasco.
If the chances of watching this all go down in person aren't enough to get you out to a mall at least once this holiday season, then nothing will. You're not going to find this kind of entertainment on Amazon.