Machine Gun Kelly Autographs Are Going For Ridiculous Money
Would you pay $1,500 for a Machine Gun Kelly autograph?
That's what one trading card dealer was charging this past weekend when I was covering the Fanatics Festival in NYC for OutKick that featured a ton of A-listers. However, for those who didn't want to drop hundreds of dollars for a photo op or an autograph with the likes of everyone from Allen Iverson to Kareem Abdul Jabaar to Olivia Dunne (who I met and she loved my shirt, no big deal) fans could also make their way to the memorabilia section of the event center.
There were tens of thousands of different momentos, including trading cards - a hell of a lot of them, where I found what some would say a diamond in the rough… a Machine Gun Kelly autographed card of him when he was on MTV's Jackass that was going for FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS.

As someone who believes in capitalism and is all about letting the market determine the value of something, I'm all for it… but are there really people out there dropping $1,500 on an MGK autograph trading card? As someone who collects cards and is relatively familiar with the memorabilia and collector's market, it just seems downright absurd to me - regardless if the card is considered a "rare" one. It's still… Machine Gun Kelly.
A quick eBay search for autographed MGK items shows everything from people willing to bid $300-$600 on autographed CDs, to a photo of him with ex-fiancee Megan Fox signed by only the rapper turned rocker currently going for $477.00. Autographed Funko Pop figurines are in the hundreds of dollars as well.
I mean, to each their own, but maybe I'm in the wrong or just have different priorities - but I'm not dropping that much cash unless it's Babe Ruth or in the music world, maybe the Beatles, and I want all 4 of them to sign it… not just one, and sure as hell not just Ringo.
So OutKick audience I ask you - are any of you spending $1,500 on Machine Gun Kelly's signature? Or maybe you have made some regrettable memorabilia purchases in the past. Or how about this - who would you spend that much money on for an autograph? Let me know, tweet me at: @TheGunzShow