Home Alone 2 Is One Of The Greatest Movie Sequels Of All Time, Ya Filthy Animals

For the most part, movie sequels absolutely stink.

Many times they are done just to hang onto some of the original legacy and ultimately just be a cash grab. Unfortunately, few movies that get sequels never intended to do so and thus the storylines never fully match up.

But when you do get that rare, good sequel, you need to cherish it as much as you can.

And that my friends is why I'm declaring Home Alone 2 not only a criminally underrated holiday film, but how about one of the best sequels to ever be made.


Yes, we all agree that the original Home Alone is the best one. Not only is it a classic movie but it should be on everyone's Top 3 Christmas movie list of all time no matter what. I mean I can watch Home Alone in the middle of the summer and still get a kick out of it and the second one just the same.

You're lying to yourself if you don't think Home Alone 2: Lost In New York is an incredible sequel that absolutely holds up. The story of course, revolves around Kevin McCallister being on his own again - only this time not at his lovely Chicago suburb childhood home, but by himself in New York City after he was too busy putting batteries into his Talkboy recording device while his family kept running through the airport without him.

Hell, the Plaza Hotel crossed into pop culture stardom because of this film! (With a Donald Trump cameo in the hotel lobby no less!)


In fact, I'd even go so far as to say the sequel to Home Alone actually surpassed the original as far as secondary characters go. Whereas the first one you essentially just had Kevin, his family, Marv and Harry and then the old man neighbor across the street, the sequel gave an opportunity for more characters to get some special moments.

Tim Curry and Rob Schenider as the Plaza Hotel receptionists are absolutely great and even made better by the scene where they try and catch Kevin while he's still in his hotel room under a stolen credit card identity. You also had Duncan from Duncan's Toy Chest (Two turtledoves, anyone?) as well as the old, pigeon lady who (spoiler) would help out Kevin in the end.

Generations of people can still rattle off some of the classic one liners from the sequel. Name another sequel besides Empire Strikes Back that something like that happens on such a massive level? That's right - you can't.

"Credit card... you got it!"

"Harry, I've reached the top!"

"Get on your knees and tell me you love me!"

"Wow... what a hole!"

"That was the sound of a tool chest falling down the stairs!"


The booby traps still hold up and in some cases are even funnier than the original. The jokes are there, the cameos, the geographical representation of New York City and most of all - an enjoyable Christmas flick that thankfully isn't another rom com.

The list of great movie sequels is very limited. For example the Independence Day follow-up film was on the other day and it may be one of the absolutely worst movies I've ever seen again. Anchorman 2 was unnecessary and awful. Same with Zoolander, Dumb and Dumberer, Scream 2, I (Still) Know What You Did Last Summer and countless others.

No my friends, when it comes to sequels only a few are able to hold up and that list includes Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back, Godfather 2, Terminator 2 maybe National Treasure: Book of Secrets and yes, Home Alone 2: Lost In New York.

Now go watch it and make sure to tweet me @TheGunzShow and tell me how correct I was.

And finally, Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!