Greg Schiano Basically Called Michigan A Bunch Of Cheaters Last Month And We All Missed It

Remember that weird interview with Greg Schiano during halftime of the Rutgers-Michigan game last month?

Well, maybe it's starting to make sense. At least that's what the internet thinks, and, as we all know, the internet is nothing if not reliable in moments like these.

For those who missed it earlier today -- or were sitting in meetings like yours truly -- Michigan is apparently under investigation for essentially ... stealing signs ... earlier this season.

Seriously. Sign-stealing ... in college football! What a world.

According to reports, the investigation pertains to NCAA Bylaw 11.6.1, which says “off-campus, in-person scouting of future opponents (in the same season) is prohibited."

Basically, a couple schools called the NCAA and said Michigan sent unauthorized personnel to a couple future opponents' games to gather intel on the signs they use to communicate play-calls.

Anyway, the university was notified of the NCAA opening the investigation earlier today, and responded by essentially saying they're cooperating fully, hold themselves to a high standard, something about ethics, blah blah blah.

That's not why we're here, though. I'll let OutKick's crack college football guy Trey Wallace handle the serious stuff. That's not my lane, and I thank God every day for it.

My lane is more about investigating old Greg Schiano interviews from halftime of last month's Michigan beatdown of Rutgers.

Sounded odd at the time. Really sounds odd now:

Greg Schiano basically called Michigan out last month

Well then. OK! Nothing like a cryptic Greg Schiano to get the juices flowing on an otherwise slow Thursday afternoon.

Greg's been around the block a few times, so perhaps this is what he was talking about? Could you imagine? For starters, and here's the obvious question, why in the world does Michigan need to steal signs/plays from .. Rutgers?

No offense to Greg. Love him. Chop wood, all of it. It was awesome back in the day. But the Wolverines are loaded this season. They could -- and, frankly, did -- sleepwalk against Rutgers and still win.

Still, seems pretty fishy looking back on it now, doesn't it? Schiano knows something ain't kosher but he's not about to blow the lid off of it right then and there.

Yahoo! also reported today that two of Michigan's opponents this season told them they "became aware that Michigan knew their play signs."

Gee, wonder who one of them could've been?!

Anyway, I can't wait to see how this bad boy shakes out. We needed a little drama in this college football season. Now that the Buffs stink, there's sort of been a lull.

Buckle up.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.