Glorious Steak, A Very Sick Dog, Tribute To A Father No Longer Here | WEEKEND RECAP

It's time for another glorious weekend recap with the OutKick family, and you guys have continued to come through in a huge way.

This is the third installment of our OutKick Weekend Recap, and we're going to keep doing it. Why? Because the readers are enjoying it! Turns out, getting to know each other a bit more and see inside the lives of fellow OutKick fans is a fun time for everyone. If you haven't already reached out, I want to hear from you at

Unfortunately for me, I had a bit of a rough weekend. My girlfriend's dog is sick. Not sick as in having a little cough. Sick as in he relieved himself all over the Hookstead compound (location classified) upon my return from solving all the world's issues over Busch Lights at Dirty Water - the best bar in Washington D.C. by a country mile. The A-team was also bartending this weekend, which was great to see.

However, none of that changes the fact my girlfriend - who is out of town running a marathon - left the dog with me and it sent off a nuke inside the compound. Poor little buddy. I understand he couldn't help himself, but that doesn't make it any easier to clean up! Hopefully, he feels well soon.

Outside of that absolute epic nightmare, my weekend mostly involved begrudgingly forcing myself to watch a bad Wisconsin team that is now bowl eligible, catching the Lions Sunday and would we all like to guess what I ate? Tacos and Modelos! The weather might be cooling down, but the tacos are always hot at the Hookstead compound.

Also, my friend sent me this picture from a wedding back in September that I guess only just came out. Not sure the lighting did the shirt/tie combo justice, but my pants button slipping below the belt is a TOUGH look. Let me know what you think of the look at Also, the stories I could tell, but we'll save that for another time!

The OutKick family crushes the weekend with steaks and hunting.

For those of you who might not know, gun season for deer opened Saturday in Wisconsin, and the puppies were barking to get after it.

There were plenty OutKick readers who spent their weekend mornings in blinds hoping to bag something big. Below is a sidekick of someone I know who was locked and loaded to help scout potential deer positions.

An engaged reader and Ohio State fan who reaches out to often spent his Saturday cooking this beast of a steak and drinking some beer. Love it!

This man spent the day hunting before crushing beers watching Wisconsin barely beat Nebraska. I hope he had a hell of a buzz.

Of course, football was on the menu, and on the menu in a big way.

Check out this nice tailgate setup. Tennessee might have gotten destroyed on the field, but at least the fans were having a fun time BEFORE the slaughter unfolded.

Keith was right there as well grieving for the disaster that unfolded with the Vols.

David (great name as we all know) paid homage to his father who passed away 14 years ago with an honorary beer. I don't know what to tell you if that doesn't pull at your heartstrings.

As for David and all the other Nebraska fans in my emails and X feed, better luck next time against Wisconsin!

Chip wanted to make sure Wisconsin fans had enough alcohol. Rest easy, Chip. Of all the problems I had this weekend - looking at Dusty! - access to iced down beers wasn't one of them.

Staying on the Wisconsin theme (OutKick seems to love the Badgers!), Bill spent the morning putting up Christmas lights before watching the Cornhuskers fall. Very efficient use of time.

We had a very sad Bengals fan amid Joe Burrow being sidelined. Pour one out!

Montanan and Montana State are in the house. For those of you who might not know, I lived in Montana for a year, and that state holds a very special place in my heart. The Grizzlies smashed the Bobcats Saturday, but I'm still always an MSU man.

This photo literally made me laugh out loud. It's the very real meme of how men need very little. Access to a TV with no frills is more than enough.

At least one OutKick reader went to church this Sunday. Hopefully, more did as well!

Dave, the man who gave his father no longer with us a very classy gesture, checks back in on Sunday for the Texans game.

Gigi might have had the best Sunday plans of all. Who doesn't love lounging around a fireplace in your pajamas while hanging out.

Also, good news, folks. Appears the GF's dog Dusty has turned a corner and is doing better. Pray for me. He sets off another nuke in the compound, and I might lose it! Thanks to everyone who sent stuff in, and make sure to get in the next round at!

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.