Former Playboy Model Karen McDougal Shares Details About Alleged Affair With Donald Trump
Former Playboy model Karen McDougal, the other woman in the whole "hush money" case against Donald Trump, shared details about her alleged affair with the former president.
Like Stormy Daniels, McDougal also claims to have received an alleged six-figure payment prior to the 2016 election in order to not discuss their alleged affair. That's where the similarities in the two women's stories end.

Karen McDougal attend Playboy's Super Saturday Night Party (Photo by Bennett Raglin/Getty Images for Bacardi)
Daniels has described sex with Trump as "the worst 90-seconds of my life." McDougal's story, on the other hand, is a love story. She claims to have had a 10-month affair with him back in 2016. An affair that led to the two falling in love.
"I was in love with him. He was in love with me. I know that because he told me all the time. He'd say 'You're my baby and I love you.' He showed me off to his friends," McDougal told the Daily Mail.
"I'm portrayed as the disgruntled woman, but I am not that woman. I ended it."
This love story was not a case of love at first sight. At least not on behalf of the December 1997 Playmate of the Month. Trump, according to McDougal, was the one that initially pursued her. She also says that their relationship didn't get off to a great start.
The two met at a pool party at the Playboy mansion back in 2006. The party was being held for contestants of the reality show Celebrity Apprentice. McDougal says she caught Trump's eye in a see-through dress over her swimsuit.
Karen McDougal Claims She Had A 10-Month Love Affair With Donald Trump
She says Trump followed her "around like a puppy dog" during the party and later had his bodyguard get her number. A couple of days later he called her up and invited her to dinner.
McDougal accepted the invite despite knowing that he was married to Melania and that she had just given birth to their son Barron.
"I'm ashamed about it now because I knew he was married but at the time it was out of sight, out of mind," she admitted. "I was a different girl then, having fun and not thinking about things too deeply."
McDougal says the two had room service in Trump's room then had sex. This is when the love story almost ended before it got started. She says the former president had a stack of cash in his hand as if to pay her for the evening.
She turned down the money telling him that she wasn't that type of girl.
"I didn't think I'd see Trump again - but we got past it," she admitted. "I got another call asking me to dinner and I don't know why, but I said yes."

Playboy playmate Karen McDougal strikes a pose at the Playboy Mansion (Photo by Vince Bucci/Newsmakers)
From there the two would meet five or more times a month, according to McDougal. She says her first outing with Trump came in 2006 at Lake Tahoe, the same event Daniels alleges she had sex with Trump.
Prior to calling it quits with Trump, McDougal says she met Bruce Willis, who she ended up dating after she says she broke up with Trump.
There's Never A Dull Moment When The Name Trump Is Mentioned
She used her mother as an excuse for the breakup, as McDougal's mother didn't approve of her relationship with a married man. Trump wasn't happy about the breakup and the two ended on bad terms after he insulted her mother.
The former Playmate says Trump said, "'What? That old hag?' I was angry."
She added, "I told him that's my mother and don't disrespect her. I pointed out that he and my mother are the same age."
Whether it's true or not, this is my kind of love story. It has everything from parties at the Playboy mansion to alleged affairs with porn stars and everything in between.