Cornell University Removes Statue of Abraham Lincoln After Absurd Student Complaint
Woke politics continues to run rampant on college campuses across the country.
It seems like with every step forward, there are two steps back.
Just today, George Washington University announced they will continue to allow Clarence Thomas to teach at the university's law school. That victory, refusing to cave to student pressure and the cancel culture mob, seemed to signal a small turning point in the war on sanity currently unfolding at major universities.
After the offensive absurdity at Georgetown and the appropriate uproar over the decision to end the Colonials moniker at Clay Travis's alma mater, the Clarence Thomas news seemed encouraging.
But never underestimate the stupidity and virtue signaling capacity of major universities.
Cornell decided to one up them all by removing a statue of Abraham Lincoln.
Yes, Abraham Lincoln. Not Robert E. Lee, or Jefferson Davis...Abraham Lincoln.
According to the report from The College Fix, there was apparently one complaint and the statue disappeared:
“Someone complained, and it was gone.”
That’s all Cornell University biology Professor Randy Wayne said he has been able to determine so far about the whereabouts of a longtime display in the Ivy League school’s Kroch Library of a bust of President Abraham Lincoln in front of a bronzed Gettysburg Address plaque.
It wasn't just a statue, but also a plaque commemorating the Gettysburg Address, one of the most important and memorable speeches in American history, was also removed.
Both Professor Wayne and The College Fix attempted to get a detailed description of the complaint and an explanation for why the artifacts were removed, and got no response.
In a remarkable example of how quickly woke ideology has taken over at prestigious institutions, in 2013 the Cornell Library was posting in celebration of the statue:

Quite simply, this is unacceptable.
One complaint by a childish student, triggered by being exposed to ideas outside of MSNBC, is apparently enough to remove a statue of one of the world's greatest historical leaders.
Instead of standing up for reason, rationality and continuing to honor Lincoln's memory, his speech and the incredible progress America has made since his time, Cornell folded.
The battle to eliminate woke ideology and nonsensical decisions by major universities is nowhere close to over. In fact, if Cornell is any indication, it might be getting even worse.