Chicago Plans To Take Over Youth Football Fields To House Migrants And Parents Are Furious

Hundreds of Chicago parents protested Mayor Brandon Johnson earlier this week as the city plans to take over a youth football fieldhouse and center so that it can house hundreds of illegal migrants.

The controversial move is just the latest example of American cities being overrun by an influx of migrants that hasn't stopped and in many cases is only getting worst with no end in sight.

Chicago parents are demanding to know why their children are forced to suffer or have their future put at risk because of the Mayor and the city's refusal to get a grasp on the migrant problem.


The Amundsen Park Fieldhouse located in the city's Galewood neighborhood has been an important place for after school activities as well as the local football team. Both parents and community advocates screamed in protest saying that the city will deal a crippling blow to the youth programs that took decades to build in an attempt to keep Chicago's youth away from joining gangs.

"You want to take the little scraps of resources we have and put us at the bottom of the barrel? That’s not fair!" one protester screamed. "A lot of these young boys, they don’t have fathers so a lot of these coaches, they are their fathers. They spend part of their weekend here along with during the week, that keeps them in a safe place, it gives them mentorship, it shows them discipline," she continued.

The issue goes beyond political party lines.

You are talking about parents just wanting their best for their children. The world is already so competitive and difficult to begin with - imagine losing even more opportunities because of your local leaders being so incompetent and refusing to confront a crisis? Obviously America is a land built on immigrants and we should be a safe haven for those that need it - but anyone actually paying attention to what is going on and who is coming in realizes that they aren't all seeking immediate safety.

"What I want to say is, Mayor Brandon Johnson, we are disappointed in you. This is the community that supported you, how dare you," exclaimed local resident Cata Truss.

Because Chicago is legally a "Sanctuary City" they can't turn away the migrants. Thus, the infrastructure of the city is at risk as police precincts and even a terminal in Chicago O'Hare International Airport has been turned into a shelter.


Video from this weeks protest soon went viral as things became contentious between the local community and city officials.

But in a perfect example of just how tone deaf Chicago Mayor Johnson is, just yesterday he sent out a message across his social media accounts asking for clothing donations for "the more than 17,000" migrant families. The tweet (X) has been getting absolutely blasted with criticisms and claims of the Mayor being tone deaf especially with this past week's Fieldhouse protests. "What about the homeless and disenfranchised residents of Chicago that are here legally?" many asked.

Last month, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker wrote a letter to President Biden calling the migrant influx "untenable," and is asking for immediate help from the federal government. The fact that the Governor is proudly boasting that he "sent a letter!" to the President as if Biden is just there opening his mail while watching Wheel of Fortune or something is just absolutely absurd, but that just shows how clueless so many of our political leaders are these days.

Unfortunately things are not going to get better any time soon. I wrote two months ago about New York City families protesting when their city took over youth football and soccer fields to build makeshift migrant camps and housing. Now it's in Chicago. What city is next?

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.