Blu Of Earth, Witch Ex-Girlfriend Of Aaron Rodgers, Is Now Sisters With Danica Patrick In Exciting New Love Triangle

Aaron Rodgers is officially out for the rest of the Jets' miserable season, which means it's just about time to start getting super weird again. I'm talking caves, drugs and a ton of dark self reflection.

Enter Blu of Earth ... and Danica Patrick!

What a love triangle we have unfolding right at the 2023 buzzer. I can't say I'm too surprised by it because these three people may be the three biggest weirdos on the planet (that we know about), so I assume they've all dabbled in some weird stuff together before.

But to see Danica Patrick and Blu of Earth interact for the first time publicly? Wild.

"Thank you for initiating this friendship. Because you're a sister now!" Danica wrote on her Instagram story around 1 a.m. Friday morning before sharing a picture of the two former lovers of Aaron Rodgers.

Aaron Rodgers, Danica Patrick and Blu of Earth are an elite trio

Did you have it on your 2023 Bingo card? Well, you should have! It's the year of Aaron Rodgers, folks. He's played four downs this season, but all we've talked about for four months is Aaron Rodgers.

Honestly, it's pretty amazing if you ask me. Nobody has the self-centered market cornered quite like Aaron. He's also got a pretty decent grip on the weirdo ex-girlfriend market, too.

For those who don't remember the summer of 2022, Aaron and Blu of Earth made waves when they jetted off to South America for a four-day darkness retreat complete with enough Ayahuasca to kill a horse.

The two started dating earlier that summer, and the internet was rocked to the core when rumors swirled that Blu was also a witch and a self-described "medicine woman."

Even though Ms. Earth pushed back on those rumors -- somewhat -- there was no denying that she was/is a different bird.

In an April 18 Instagram post liked by Rodgers earlier that year, Blu broke into poetry to share her feelings on life.

The winds of change are upon us – do you feel it? On an individual level and a collective level.
During times of great change – surrender, stillness and softening is our greatest ally.

See you on the other side family.

Thank you for being on this journey of life with me.

I love you.


Now, Danica Patrick is not nearly on that level. Not saying she's not a weirdo in her own right, because she is, but not many people in this world can hold a candle to Blu.

Danica does love some good Ayahuasca, so I would assume that's the biggest common denominator between her and new best gal pal Blu. Well, that and the fact that they both banged Aaron Rodgers.

The ex-Indy Car and NASCAR star also spent a ton of time at Burning Man a few months ago, recently had a nice sit-down with RFK Jr. on her podcast, and is about as anti-vax as they come (that one's actually the most normal thing she does).

Point is, she's an opinionated cat just like Blu, and now they're both best friends. Can't wait to see where this offseason takes us.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.