Bird Crashes Through Pilot's Window In Horrifying Video

A massive bird nearly caused a catastrophic disaster after crashing into a plane's cockpit.

In a video tweeted by journalist Carlos Vera, a huge bird could be seen after it crashed through the glass of a small plane flying in Ecuador and the pilot was drenched in blood.

The type of bird hasn't been identified, but it's believed to possibly be an Andean Condor, according to Men's Journal.

Fortunately, the pilot was able to keep the situation under control and avoided an absolute disaster. You can watch the horrifying situation unfold below.

Disaster narrowly avoided after bird crashes into a plane's cockpit.

This pilot has absolute ice in his veins. Imagine the kind of guts you need to have in order to maintain your composure in a situation like this.

You panic and hit the sticks even a little bit, and you're going to send the plane into a nosedive you might not be able to get out of.

Instead, this pilot just sat there calm as could be while covered in blood and didn't appear to care at all.

This pilot should consider himself incredibly lucky.

What saved this pilot more than anything appears to be the fact the bird died on impact and got stuck. Let's pretend for a second the bird survives the initial impact and gets in the cockpit alive.

Is there any chance at all that the plane stays in the air? Almost certainly not. Good luck controlling the sticks while a massive bird tries to take your head off.

That pilot is lucky for a lot. The bird dying on impact is definitely right at the top of his list.

Turns out that the animal thunderdome can get you even in the air. Keep your heads on a swivel when flying, in the water or on the ground. You never know what might be out there.

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.