Bar Fight At Washington State Includes Swinging Pool Cues, Barstool Grenades & Haymakers

It's almost Super Bowl Sunday, which means, sadly, football season is just about over. Unfortunately, that means the bar fight scene may also take a bit of hit for the next months.

So we might as well go out with a bang, right?

A couple tanked bros up in Washington did just that recently, using anything and everything at their disposal to crush one another in a bar fight for the ages.

Video has recently leaked online - shocking! - and it's a doozy. I'm talking pool cues and barstools used as weapons, fists flying and onlookers screaming in horror.

Roll tape!

Washington State bar fight puts one man in hospital

It's a scene straight out of Yellowstone, and I'm here for it.

Love the resourcefulness from everyone involved, too. Don't feel like throwing a punch? Fine. Pick up that pool cue and start swinging!

Want to try and keep your distance but still make an impact? No problem! Grab that barstool and fling it like a grenade.

"Salud" out of nowhere with the Modelo was an excellent touch, too. I'm a big Busch Light guy (but you all know that at this point), but I'm not above a nice Modelo.

According to The Daily Mail, the mayhem started after a pair of bros at Washington State got into an argument over a game of pool, and resulted in one fella being taken to the hospital.

One eyewitness told the Mail that when officers arrived on scene, they attempted to interview witnesses because all the suspects had fled, but nobody would cooperate.

Yep, smart move. Snitches get stiches. Ain't their first rodeo.

Apparently, it's also not the bar's first rodeo, either. Michael Creel, who shot the above video, said Sideline is notorious for these bar fights and other public disturbances, including overdoses.

Sounds like a great place to watch the Super Bowl tomorrow!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.