Transgender Contestants Can be Excluded From Beauty Pageant After Court Ruling

In a rare win for common sense, a court ruled Wednesday that the Miss United States of America competition could exclude transgender contestants from participating.

According to a Bloomberg report, the ruling confirms that the organization behind the pageant won the ruling as including transgender participants would not express the "ideal vision of American womanhood."

The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled against transgender activist Anita Green, who argued that the policy exclusively allowing "natural born" women to compete violated anti-discrimination laws.

Green had previously attempted to participate in the pageant, but was denied entry.

Transgender Activism is Dangerous

This decision, confirming that organizations should be able to define womanhood as they see fit, should be celebrated.

But unfortunately, sane and rational rulings like this are few and far between.

Instead, organizations are going out of their way to ensure that transgender individuals are happy, despite the consequences for women.

One all-girl's school in Nashville recently attempted to change their admission policies to admit transgender students. Only an organized campaign by parents was enough to halt that absurdity.

Administrators often contradict the wishes of those impacted, which leads to the absurd situation that recently played out in Canada:


Activists are also openly pushing to allow children to have gender transition surgeries.

While some are contradicting this indefensible practice, the fact that many promote it is completely unacceptable.

Obviously this specific case doesn't involve children, but it does impact protecting women's spaces.

Ironically, the same ideology that claims to be in favor of women's rights entirely dismiss the importance of keeping certain areas of life exclusive to biological females.

Hopefully this ruling is a sign of further defenses of reality to come. Gender activism isn't going away, so defending reality becomes more important with each passing day.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.