Stacey Abrams Suggests Abortion Is Solution To Inflation
Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee for governor in Georgia, suggests an abortion is the solution to rampant inflation.
On Wednesday, Abrams appeared on "Morning Joe" to address voter concerns ahead of the November midterm elections. Host Mike Barnicle informed Abrams that while she focuses so heavily on abortion laws, voters are more concerned with inflation.
“You’re running for governor of Georgia. I would assume, maybe incorrectly, but while abortion is an issue, it nowhere reaches the level of interest to voters in terms of the cost of gas, food, bread, milk, things like that,” Barnicle said. “What can a governor, what could you do as governor, to alleviate the concerns of Georgia voters about those livability, daily, hourly issues that they’re confronted with?”
Abrams, however, doesn't consider the issues of inflation and abortion mutually exclusive. She says voters ought to see how they coincide:
"You can’t divorce being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy from the economic realities of having a child. And so these are — it’s important for us to have both-and conversations. We don’t have the luxury of reducing it or separating them out," Adams continues.Got all that?
Abrams Previously Served As Minority Leader In The Georgia House Of Representatives
The Democratic nominee for governor in Georgia asks that you consider killing your unborn baby if you're struggling to make ends meet. That's how Abrams recommends citizens combat Joe Biden's inept handling of the economy. How weak must Democratic politicians in Georgia be if this schmuck is the best they can throw at Gov. Brian Kemp? In addition to advising women to have an abortion to offset grocery bills, Abrams recently spent an entire day maskless with young, masked-up children. She, as an obese adult, reckoned healthy children needed to wear a mask more than she did.
OutKick obtained photos of Abrams' visit to Glenwood Elementary School earlier this year:
If and when Gov. Kemp beats Abrams in November, we can assure you she will attribute it to -- what else? -- racism. In fact, Abrams maintains that racist Georgians are the reason she lost in 2018.

Kemp holds a roughly six-point lead over Abrams in the latest Georgia gubernatorial polls. There's no bigger embarrassment in politics than Stacey Abrams.