Jemele Hill Calls Nikki Haley A 'Sick Racist' For Not Wanting Kamala Harris President
GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley does not want Kamala Harris to be President of the United States. And fears she could be in the case of Joe Biden, who is in both physical and cognitive decline, wins re-election in 2024.
"A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for President Kamala Harris," warned Haley.
The comment is benign and unoriginal. Yet according to former host Jemele Hill, the remark was a "sick" form of -- wait for it -- "racism."
Here's Hill's post:
"So part of the reason racism is such a terrible sickness in this country is because politicians like this know they can rally a certain base with the fear of OH MY GOD A BLACK WOMAN MIGHT BE PRESIDENT IF YOU DON’T VOTE FOR ME. Then we want to act all surprised when the most hateful part of the base decides they need to act out on their feelings of hatred," Hill responded, appearing to tie Haley's words to the Florida killings of three Black people in an apparent hate crime.
What proof did Jemele provide that Haley made the comment because Harris is black? Unfortunately, Hill did not provide any.
In fact, her follow-up post included not an answer but a question to an account with 40 followers:
"So you think she invoked Kamala Harris’ name because of what, then? Because I promise you, if she were a white guy named Tim Harris, she wouldn’t have done that. She knows what she’s doing and it’s sick," Hill posted.
While the egg account didn't respond to Hill, we hope to provide clarity.
Haley "invoked" Harris' name because she is the vice president, the next in line should the oldest president in history fall more incapable of holding his position.
Put simply, the chances are greater than usual that the vice president could assume power given the president's age. Thus, the VP becoming president is more discussed than during previous administrations.
I know, it's more fun to screech racism than reason. Jemele Hill has made a career of it.
Nikki Haley does not want Kamala Harris to be the president. And that doesn't make her a racist. It makes her like most of the country, including Democrats.
Harris was so unpopular as a 2020 presidential candidate that she dropped out of the race before the calendar turned to 2020.
Kamala had less support than Liz Warren.
Kamala Harris is not likable. Nor is she a successful political. Speaking of race, Harris would have never been considered for VP if she were not a black woman, the only two qualifications to be Biden's running mate.
That is why Haley and the rest of the country do not like Kamala Harris. That and her cackle.
And Haley actually has a connection to Harris. They are both of Indian descent.

Jemele Hill and Nikki Haley. (Getty Images)
Haley’s parents were immigrant Sikhs from Punjab, India. Harris’s mother was an immigrant Tamil Indian.
Hill is aware of those details. Earlier this year, Jemele cited a long-debunked claim that Haley changed her name to bury her Indian ancestry.
I know, one shall never let the facts get into a good race bait.
Here's the issue with Jemele Hill:
Since leaving ESPN, she built a career around calling people racist. She doesn't provide original opinions, context, or data. She simply barks racism and lies about the struggles of black women.
And because black women are now handed jobs for simply being black women (Harris, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Hill) -- Hill is forced to exaggerate, spin, and even lie about examples of anti-black acism to stay relevant.
Recently, Jemele Hill accused Alabama lawmakers of unfairly punishing Carlee Russell because Russell is black. In actuality, Russell faked her own kidnapping, sending authorities on a costly goose chase for an abductor who never existed.
Carlee Russell is vile. But she's a black woman, so Hill downplayed her hoax.
Before you call Hill a racist -- for posts like the above -- understand her history. Her longtime manager, Evan Dick, is white. She has worked almost exclusively for white people.
Her anti-white schtick is just that: a schtick.
In 2016, Hill calculated that an anti-white persona would do her well, particularly among what she often promotes as "Black Twitter."
And perhaps it has. She has remained employed despite failing on television, podcasting, and in book sales.
See, people used to pretend they were not racist. Today, people pretend they are racist. The latter of which, when directed at white people, can be lucrative.
Nikki Haley is not a racist. Hill knows she's not. But Jemele needed fodder to keep pace with the increasingly statured market of Al Sharptons.
You don't have to be a racist to be called a racist. The demand for racism is too high. The supply is too low.