Gavin Newsom's In-Laws Left California to Move to Florida

Gavin Newsom might be one of the most incompetent politicians in the country.

Many, many millions of people inside and outside the state of California agree with that sentiment. Turns out, some of his own family members might too.

Just a few days ago, news broke that Newsom's in-laws had donated to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis's campaign:

Turns out, the story with his in-laws goes even deeper than that.

A new report out Friday from Fox News confirmed that not only did they donate to his primary political foil, they fled the state entirely in the early part of the COVID pandemic.

According to the report, the parents of Newsom's wife purchased a house in Naples, Florida in 2020:

"Kenneth F. Siebel Jr. and Judith A. Siebel, parents of Newsom's wife Jennifer Siebel and longtime California residents, became Florida residents in 2020 after purchasing a $3.3 million Naples home in March of that year, records show."

While they still appear to have a home in California, they registered to vote in Florida, signaling their intention to live there the majority of the time.

Gavin Newsome Has Been Brutal

Gavin Newsom's mismanagement of the state as well as the brutal lockdowns, school closures and mask mandates he enforced, have caused huge numbers of residents and massive amounts of household wealth to flee elsewhere in the past few years.

Far from acknowledging the multitude of problems he and his left wing predecessors have created, Newsom has chosen to attack other states instead.

He previously donated $100,000 to DeSantis's gubernatorial challenger, and ran hilariously inaccurate ads in Florida begging former Californians to return.

No one seems to be listening, as the state lost hundreds of thousands of people over the past few years.

For example, in just one year from July 2020 to July 2021, the state lost 262,000 residents, nearly all of them to domestic migration, according to the LA Times. That was the first year of population loss in the state's history.

Some of those people include Gavin Newsom's own extended family, who also appear to realize what a disastrous job he's done.

Don't worry though, with his actions it's becoming more and more clear that Newsom intends to try and take his version of failure to the White House, replacing the ever angrier Joe Biden on the 2024 ticket.

It'll be interesting to see who his in-laws support then. Based on how they've voted with their feet so far, it probably won't be Gavin Newsom.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.