YouTuber Thinks The Words 'Merry Christmas' Are Offensive Because It May Upset Those That Are Depressed

Ladies and gentlemen, we have now gone beyond the absurd and ridiculous to the preposterous and insane.

I don't know when the change started to happen, but it is now evident everywhere - and only enhanced through social media. People want to complain about EVERYTHING.

Actually, they don't just want to, they actually LOVE complaining. It gives them some sort of self-righteousness of their Napoleon complex that has made them insufferable human beings to be around.

Case in point; there is a popular Youtuber named TechLead who has gone viral after tweeting out that he believes the phrase "Merry Christmas" is offensive.

His complaint doesn't have anything to do with religious reasons. He isn't upset about the "Christ" part of Christmas, but rather he thinks the words are offensive to those that are depressed.

Uhh, what?


The popular Youtube influencer, whose real name is Patrick Shyu is a former Google and Meta tech employee. He has taken his talents from working on algorithms and computer code, to now being easily offended by words.

There's a lot to unravel in his tweet.

First off, I don't know what social media channels Patrick is hanging out in - but I definitely don't see random people just using sentences with "Merry Christmas" nonstop. Or even greeting people as if "Merry Christmas" is similar to "Shalom," or "Aloha."

"Merry Christmas! By the way can I get an extra pizza pie and I'll come by and pick it up in 20 minutes? Great!"

People are not talking like that, and they sure as hell aren't tweeting like that.

But even more troubling is Patrick's overall mindset regarding his stance here.

We have gone from actual physical altercations hurting people. To then being upset about other's beliefs if they don't perfectly align with ours. But of course we can't stop there. Now we are complaining that our EMOTIONS may be triggered by someone else's positivity.

So I'm not allowed to have a good day when things actually go well for once - because you aren't? Uhm, yeah no thank you.

This reminds me of a story I covered a few weeks ago where Gen Z parents don't want to teach their kids about Santa Clause because it may be too traumatizing for them when they find out he (allegedly) may not be real.


TechLead went on to arrogantly add that his life is perfect and he's doing great. Shyu has regularly spoken about how he has made millions of dollars. But he says that he doesn't want to shove it down people's faces so he's going to refrain from telling them Merry Christmas.

So let me get this straight - you can gloat about how much money you've made and don't find anything wrong with that. But the "joy" that the words Merry Christmas bring may be triggering.

You must be a lot of fun at parties.

No surprise, Patrick has been getting absolutely wrecked on social media in his tweet threads.

Furthermore, what's the endgame here? How the heck are we supposed to live our lives, when now we somehow have to consider what someone else's mindset is on that particular day and try to cater to it?

Literally what are we doing here people.

Mental health and mental illness are legitimate concerns. Everyone's going through something and I think it's great that more people - especially celebrities and athletes with big followings are openly talking about their struggles. Mental health should not be stigmatized.

But this isn't it, Patrick.

The fact that he wants to bring down other people's happiness and success simply because someone else might not be, is absolute batshit crazy.

By following that logic, we're just going to be emo zombies walking around depressed like Eeyore.

Sorry, but I'm not going to ruin my day just because someone else might find that I'm too happy.

NOTE: Patrick Shyu has since tweeted out that his original tweet was in sarcasm. However, this tweet came FOUR DAYS after his original Merry Christmas take, and after he received a ton of backlash and criticism for it. So, take that as you may.

Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.