Two Fans Given The Boot From Yankee Stadium For 'Trump Won' Sign

Two men were escorted out of Yankee Stadium Thursday after hanging a "Trump Won" sign from the second deck. Probably can't do that at any park, but what an epic moment because it's true.

Donald Trump amassed 75 million votes, which is a record, and suddenly Joe Biden piles in 81 million? There's a higher chance Jeffrey Epstein killed himself.

This whole gesture perfectly illustrates the current state of New York. The lower section with all the rich people remains silent -- meanwhile the upper deck where the middle class resides are pro Trump. The people that make this country go understand what happened during last year's election and they're not giving up.

We would ignore it and get back to our day jobs if Joe Biden wasn't making that next to impossible. Kind of hard to mind your own business when gas prices double and groceries soar right along with it.

Build these two a damn statue because they're standing up for every one of us ahead of Memorial Day.

Yankees reporter Lindsey Adler says people booed the two fans

"Lots of booing here after some jabronis unfurled a ‘TRUMP WON’ banner off the second deck. (He didn’t)," she wrote.

"Now we have extremely loud cheering as the conspiracy theory banner people are led out of the section by security."

Our media will report that the loonies/conspiracy theorists are at it again and being laughed at by the stadium. Meanwhile the entire country that refuses to get their news from Twitter knows this is all a scam. Hire liberal reporters and make the vaccinated seating sections and conservative fans hate each other. What a god awful way to cover sports.