Travel Agent Discovers Hotel's 'Free Fart' Perk

When booking a place to stay one of the things you want to know about are the perks. What is complimentary and what perks can you add to your bill that might enhance the stay?

There's everything from free breakfast to massages and much more offered by most hotels. If you're booking through a travel agent, any perks they can uncover might just be what helps you decided whether or not to use them again or not.

One travel agent, going that extra step to browse the perks at checkout, discovered an interesting perk being offered at a French hotel.

Jaclyn D’Esposito, who runs Heartfelt Travel on TikTok, found a hotel offering a "free fart" perk. The video she shared on the free fart perk has more than 1.6 million views.

As she was checking out, while booking the stay for her client at Les Bords de Mer in Marseille, France, she was hit with an "enhance your stay" pop-up.

D’Esposito revealed that this particular pop-up included a few perks like a bottle of wine, a relaxing massage, and a fart. A closer look reveals that the fart is free of cost.

"I truly, I truly thought I was seeing something. Hold on let me flip the camera," she said. "Totally normal, right? A bottle of wine, a massage, fart. What is fart? For free?"

Intrigued by the free fart, she clicked on the show details for some more information about this perk.

This Perk Isn't What It Seems

The details reveal that the free fart, which includes a picture of a couple of dogs, includes a rate per day and pet. She asks, "Should I book the client a fart. Like, what is happening?"

In a follow-up video, D’Esposito revealed that she did not book the client a fart. Also, the hotel's website has since been updated to pet instead of fart.

It turns out that fart is French slang for pet. If you're like me, you saw a funny headline and ended up learning something from it.

Not that this piece of knowledge is all that helpful, but it beats a hotel actually handing out free farts. How would that even work?

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.