Texas Southern Band Member Punches Fan Several Times, Continues Playing His Tuba Like Nothing Happened

Another day, another fight involving an HBCU band. Just days after several Morgan State football players exchanged punches with members of Norfolk State's band, a fan decided to test a Texas Southern Ocean of Soul tuba player.

The exchange didn't end well for the apparent Jackson State fan. While his team, now 7-3, ended up winning the game 21-19 by holding off a late comeback attempt by Texas Southern, he found himself flat on his back in the stands after being punched in the face several times.

For reasons only known to the fan, he picked out a tuba player from the Texas Southern band and started screaming at him as the band member played his instrument. To the tuba player's credit, he tried to ignore the fan as best he could.

When the attempts to ignore the fan failed, the tuba player used his high ground advantage and started swinging on the fan. The fan looked stunned by the punches, but ate them without fighting back or willingly leaving.

Don't Mess With This Texas Southern Tuba Player

That's when another fan decided to step in. The other fan, who is wearing a blue shirt, can be seen grabbing the fan testing his luck with the tuba player and tossing him several rows down the bleachers.

As quickly as it started, the exchange is over. The tuba player, without missing a beat, picks up right where he left off and jumps back into the song like nothing happened.

It had to be one of the more impressive performances from Saturday afternoon inside Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium. Sure a knockout would have been more impressive, but we're talking about a band member here.

A band member holding a tuba. He had enough behind his punches to stun the guy, but he wasn't going to put any lights out with those shots.

That doesn't mean the fan didn't do some relaxing. He landed on his back in the seats after taking the unexpected trip down the bleachers.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.