Troubled Ex-Viking Pulled Over For Driving 'Impaired,' Possession of Cocaine

Former ex-Vikings player Everson Griffen was arrested late Tuesday after a state trooper pulled the 36-year-old over, citing probable cause DWI. The troubled ex-defensive star was arrested last year in Carver County, Minnesota, for a suspected DWI.

Griffen is suspected of driving his Bentley under the influence. According to the State Patrol, as relayed by the Star Tribune, Everson Griffen was spotted driving on I-35W in Minneapolis near midnight when the trooper pulled him over and observed visible signs of impairment. Two passengers accompanied Griffen on his night out — the state trooper described the vehicle as reeking of alcohol.

Authorities also discovered a small ball full of white powder, which was field tested and identified as cocaine, incurring more penalties for an already messy arrest. 

Griffen played for the Vikings from 2010 to 2019. He returned to the team in 2021 and played in nine games. He has not played since his last stint in Minnesota.

In 2018, Griffen underwent a mental health evaluation after the Minneapolis Police Department arrested the four-time Pro Bowler. Griffen threatened to shoot a person at the Hotel Ivy. 

The Vikings requested that Griffen undergo the evaluation. 

Later it was revealed that Griffen suffers from bipolar disorder.

In 2021, Griffen was involved in an erratic scene where he live-streamed himself with a weapon and claimed he was defending himself from a supposed intruder in his home.

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Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick, living in Southern California. 

AA's insights on topics ranging from cinema to food and politics transformed the lives of average folks worldwide into followers of the OutKick Way©

Trying to out-wit this writer has been likened to staring at the sun and waiting for the sun to blink first. 

A writer of many things across copious mediums.

Interests: Jeopardy, movie theaters, Jiu-Jitsu, Christ, roller skating, Los Angeles. (follow @alejandroaveela on X)