Travis Kelce Long-Ago Jesus Christ Tweet Finds Way To Offend Everybody

Back in 2010 when Travis Kelce was a relative unknown, with one reception at the University of Cincinnati and getting ready to serve a full season suspension, he took to Twitter (as it was known then) on Resurrection Sunday and tweeted about Jesus Christ.

"happy Easter to all!!! the then 20-year-old wrote. "#shoutout to Jesus for takin one for the team … haha"

And approximately 6,900 people liked the tweet. Another 1,300 retweeted it.

Then it sunk into the netherworld of cyberspace --until Sunday.

Travis Kelce Deletes Jesus Tweet

Sunday was Resurrection Sunday (or Easter) 2024. And someone noticed Kelce lately went back though his timeline 14 years and deleted that long-ago tweet about Jesus.

And the pre-offended, who are ready to lose their ever-lovin' minds about anything remotely controversial did exactly that.

It started when the so-called X influencer community noticed what Kelce had done and started telling their millions of followers. 

Twitter Crowd Notices Activity By Kelce

Multiple X people with considerable followings noticed and noted the move by Kelce and some gave their enlightened opinions on the curious decision.

This is where it gets interesting, because Kelce somehow managed to do something quite rare within America's extremely divided social media lines: He united people.

By making people on all sides upset.

Kelce Makes All Sides Feel Some Way

The social media purists are upset Kelce deleted the post. Again, from 14 years ago. Those nerds were maybe offended the Kelce tweet record is now incomplete.

And why was he going back 14 years in his timeline anyway? What message is he sending?

Headache incoming.

Then the atheists, socialists, communists, satanists and plain old anti-Jesus crowd got into the act. They apparently became offended because how dare Travis Kelce tweet about Jesus back in the day like, you know, he was giving Jesus praise?

It was, after all, a #shoutout. And the tweet vaguely implied Jesus took it all for us – sin, death, the grave, eternal hell – and offers salvation.

We can't have Jesus shutouts, especially when we're busy telling people He doesn't even exist.

But here's the amazing thing: Some religious people who believe Jesus is Lord apparently also got upset. They thought Kelce was being disrespectful with his original tweet. Like, how dare a 1-catch-having college redshirt sophomore tweet about the King of Kings?

Someone called Kelce a "POS." Yeah, go look it up if you wish.

A Theory About Kelce's Deletion

So, yes, lots of people were upset about Travis Kelce Sunday afternoon.

Chiefs fans should have been more seriously upset about Rashee Rice's car being involved in a major wreck in Dallas but that story will continue to play out this week

The interesting part of the Kelce story, beyond the "backlash" he felt after deleting the tweet, is what caused him to do that in the first place?

I have no idea why Kelce deleted the tweet. Twitter deletion sources are hard to come by.

My guess is someone saw the tweet and wasn't happy as to its contents. And one would guess it's someone relatively new to his life because the tweet has been sitting there untouched for14 years. 

So, maybe a new sponsor. Or perhaps his new girlfriend, Taylor Swift, caught wind of it and didn't like the tweet. 

Firstly, she doesn't like negative publicity. 

Secondly, Swift has been accused of employing demonic rituals in her concerts, so Jesus tweets from her lover might not be welcome in the relationship. Who knows?

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Armando Salguero is a national award-winning columnist and is OutKick's Senior NFL Writer. He has covered the NFL since 1990 and is a selector for the Pro Football Hall of Fame and a voter for the Associated Press All-Pro Team and Awards. Salguero, selected a top 10 columnist by the APSE, has worked for the Miami Herald, Miami News, Palm Beach Post and ESPN as a national reporter. He has also hosted morning drive radio shows in South Florida.