Rowdy Texas Tech Fan Dragged Up The Stairs By Six Officers During Blowout Loss

You know it's almost March when we've got rowdy students being dragged up the stairs by enough security guards to defend a small village. 

It's almost #bracketszn baby!

While most of you were sleeping or watching King of Queens on CMT last night around 11 p.m., one frisky Texas Tech fan found himself being carried out of the arena by half a dozen police officers after things went south after a hard foul by Texas forward Brock Cunningham. 

That – and the fact that the Red Raiders were currently down a billion – fired up the fans enough that they started hurling things on the court. 

And, apparently, one fella took things a little too far and got the boot. 

Security guards drag Texas Tech fan out of arena

Love it. That's March, baby! 

I'll be honest, I don't pay a lick of attention to college basketball until right around now. Frankly, we're still probably a few weeks away from me really honing in and gearing up to lose a ton of money. 

But when I see things like this, I know it's close to that time. Puts a smile on my face every time.

"We all know what's at stake in this game," McCasland said after the game, according to the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. "When you have to go talk on the mic, you're talking to 15-plus-thousand people but really you're talking to a couple people that are doing things that are completely unacceptable. 

"You could tell when I finally communicated clearly, like, this can't happen, a lot of people were applauding because they know it's not what we need to do and it cost us technicals and it caused us a problem."

Eh. I dunno. Is it really a problem at that point? You're down 25 with 10 minutes to go. You ultimately lost 81-69. At that point, you might as well let the chips fall where they may and move on. 

As for the guy getting dragged up the stairs … no idea why it took six officers to get him outta there, but I'm here for it. Can't wait to see what he does next. 


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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.