NFL Rookie Sensation Bijan Robinson Drops Hot 'Bijan Mustardson' Commercial To Promote Incredible Sauce

Atlanta Falcons rookie sensation Bijan Robinson wants to run the ball down opponents' throats and drop the hottest mustard brand ever.

So far, he's accomplished one of those.

Bijan's increasingly famous mustard brand, Bijan Mustardson, dropped a hot-as-dijon commercial. Debuting on social media on Monday, the spot puts a fun twist on an evidently fake football game to sell the dijon.

And it's awesome.

'Bijan Mustardson' Is A Touchdown In YOUR Mouth

The commercial goes for a Shyamalan-ian twist when the QB drops back and picks up a hot dog wiener instead of the duke. He tosses the hot dog into the end zone, which is where the the famed Bijan Robinson, sitting on a lawn chair, and perfectly corrals the flying weiner with a well-placed bun.

Robinson tops off the highlight catch by drizzling his "Bijan Mustardson" all over the American snack.

Based on the creamy texture and nicely spotted body, "Bijan Mustardson" certainly looks like a "touchdown in your mouth" and the frontrunner for MVP at your next barbeque.


Robinson signed his deal to spearhead the "Bijan Mustardson" brand during his days in Austin.

The hottest product to hit the mustard industry since Grey Poupon started out as, "the best NIL deal to date," according to OutKick's Grayson Weir.

And in case you haven't noticed, it's a dijon because his name is Bijan. Absolutely brilliant, if not subtle, marketing.

Who's got more sauce than Bijan in the league? Sincerely, no one does.

Expect this mustard to score big with audiences as Robinson's star inevitably rises in the NFL.

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Alejandro Avila lives in Southern California and previously covered news for the LA Football Network. Jeopardy expert and grumpy sports fan. Known for having watched every movie and constant craving for dessert. @alejandroaveela (on X)