Lorenzo Alexander Compares Playing On Turf Field To Being In Car Crash

Former NFL player Lorenzo Alexander did not hold back his feelings about what it was like to play on the controversial turf fields during his playing days.

"It's significant... I can tell you that the way I felt when I played on turf was a lot different . I feel like I went through twice the car crashes when I was hitting the guy and then hitting the hard surface. You always feel better after getting off the grass ," the 2x Pro Bowl linebacker told OutKick The Morning.


15 NFL teams currently still use either a turf or synthetic grass field, including one of Lorenzo's former teams, the Buffalo Bills. However, they are switching to natural grass when their new stadium opens in 2026.

"I know Buffalo and their new stadium is going to be grass and they're an outdoor, cold-weather city, so there's definitely something that can be done," he continued.


Alexander also echoed something that I have been arguing about in recent years as well - that the owner's reluctance to listen to their own players concerns comes down to one thing and one thing only - the almighty dollar. The owners are essentially being too cheap to listen to their players' preference, which to me is just absurd because why would they want to jeopardize a player they just spent tens of millions of dollars to roster?

"With these stadiums they're always thinking about how can we make more money, how can we get more events at our venue so that's probably why they shifted to artificial turf because it's easier to contain and the consistency is better than grass, so hopefully we can figure out what's the best way to move forward... because is definitely better for the longevity of the player," said Alexander.

If Jets owner Woody Johnson is too stubborn to change MetLife Stadium from turf to natural grass after seeing his prized possession Aaron Rodgers go down on the first play of the season this year, then what could possibly happen that would change his mind? Earlier this week, star Jets receiver Garret Wilson echoed his frustrations about the turf as well after suffering two ankle injuries that required him to be taken out of the game for a number of downs. Wilson referred to MetLife's turf as "trash."


If Lionel Messi can make MLS fields back off of turf and synthetic grass, why can't NFL players do the same? Last I checked a hell of a lot more people care about the NFL here in America than soccer. They also enjoy seeing their star players in action - something that is consistently put at risk when players compete on any given Sunday.

Unfortunately, around and around we go. With the NFLPA's hands tied from being able to do anything except repeatedly call out turf stadiums, and the league not having the power to force privately owned individual stadiums to change, it's up to the owners themselves to get rid of the turf.

All I know is football fans don't want to hear any owner complaining about turf fields if their star player gets hurt in the future when they themselves are single-handedly responsible for keeping the synthetic surface in the first place.

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.