Joey Chestnut Can't Be Stopped: Eats Record Number Of Bagels
Just when I think he's done completely blowing my mind with his gastronomic feats, here comes Joey Chestnut downing more than a baker's dozen bagels to blow my mind to shreds yet again.
Chestnut, the man who has eaten more hot dogs than a full arena on Dollar Dog Night, is best known for his glizzy game but some of his other feats are even more mind-boggling.
And that's how I feel about Chestnut's latest world record, which he set a new world record at the World Bagel Eating Championship in…
Come on; where else would a bagel-eating contest be?
…that's right: Vegas.
15 plain bagels with cream cheese in 8 minutes. That equates to… carry the one… divide by the denominator… approximately 1.875 bagels per minute.
Now, I know there will be some hardos who will say, "Fifteen? That's it?!"
To which I would say, "Have you ever eaten a bagel? I love them and If I have one I usually end up skipping lunch. It's like having an anchor made out of dough sitting in your stomach.
I mean, pick up a box of a dozen! It's heavy, and Chestnut ate all of those, and then crushed three more for funsies.
But it's not just the amount that Chestnut says can be tough. He said bagels are one of the hardest foods to eat due to jaw fatigue.
Tell me about it. I threw my jaw out on a 100 Grand bar one time. That was when I knew my athletic career was officially over.
What a warrior. Can you believe that Nathan's was so upset about Joey being sponsored by a rival hot dog brand? That's like not letting Michael Jordan compete because you're upset that he's wearing Nikes.
Hopefully, they come to their senses and Chestnut is back on Coney Island next Fourth of July regaining his rightful position as the holder of the Mustard Yellow Belt.