Jimmy Garoppolo Goes Full 'Top Gun' With F-16 Jet Ride

New Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo is ready to take off this year.

Garoppolo partnered with USAA ahead of his inaugural season with the Raiders and had the unique experience of jumping in an F-16 fighter jet to test the skies.

Jimmy G was a guest on the aircraft, alongside teammate Maj. Taylor Wight — an experienced airman with the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds in Las Vegas, Nevada.

'Jimmy 9 G's' Soars Over Las Vegas

Maj. Wight took Garoppolo on the flight of a lifetime. The duo hit 9 G's of force (totaling to 2,000 lbs of pressure).

The jet hit Mach 2 speeds, reaching up to 1,500 miles per hour.

It was a ride to remember, but the trip beat up Garoppolo's body.

"I was pretty beat up the next couple of days after it, but it was definitely worth it," Garoppolo admitted, as relayed by Fox News Digital. 

Jimmy G added, "Just coming , there’s a sense of pride that you feel. That’s a sign of a good team."

Maj. Wight commended the Raiders QB for surviving the ride.

"Jimmy G is used to getting hit, but this is a different kind of getting hit," Maj. Wight commented. "Driving a car, if you have a lead foot, it may get up to two G's if you’re just cranking around a corner. Roller coasters, you’ll probably maybe get up to three G's.

"In the jet today, we can pull up to nine G's. 2.0-Mach, so you’re thinking roughly 1,500 mph. …You’re weighing over 2,000 pounds, and you’re trying to breathe through that. It’s going to take a toll and taxing on your body."

"Preparation is everything, and the Thunderbirds is very similar to being in the League," Garoppolo added.

"You get the best of the best at what they do. There’s an endless amount of possibilities in football, so you could prepare forever, but when you’re prepared, you don’t get that nervous feeling, you’re excited to put on display what you’ve been studying and what you’ve been working on."

Jimmy's got the need ... the need for speed.

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Alejandro Avila lives in Southern California and previously covered news for the LA Football Network. Jeopardy expert and grumpy sports fan. Known for having watched every movie and constant craving for dessert. @alejandroaveela (on X)