Ja'Marr Chase Seeks Restraining Order Against One-Night-Stand Making 'False' Allegations Against NFL Player

Cincinnati Bengals wideout Ja'Marr Chase filed a restraining order on Tuesday against a woman making wild claims about the two-time Pro Bowler.

Chase filed the restraining order against Ambar Nicole. As reported by TMZ, Chase's account notes Hunter has made 'false' accusations about having a child with him after a one-night stand.

The Instagram model has put out vile comments on the Bengals stars.

"Now Mr.chase you have some skeletons in your closet," Nicole previously posted on her IG. "I know the real you. stop dodging the courts and responsibility. You know yourself I have multiple videos that will end your career in one post. I’ll have my attorney at the bengals facility in 2.5 seconds. You know wassup."

Ja'Marr Chase Files Restraining Order Against IG One-Night Stand

Nicole has made disparaging remarks about Chase and his mother, Toleah, on social media. Additionally, Chase says the woman made fake allegations of domestic violence against him. Chase had the one-night stand with Hunter back in July 2021.

Screenshots provided by the outlet show Ambar Nicole calling Chase's mother a voodoo-practicing witch. Nicole alleged that "Mr.chase" left her stranded in a hotel and "wished death" upon her child.


Chase noted that the woman has rejected paternity testing to confirm that the child belongs to the Bengals wideout. He contends that Nicole's claims are a campaign to damage his image.

It's telling that Chase is the first to take action in the spiteful relationship; we'll see how the situation unfolds.

Given the level of spite in Nicole's posts, it could be true that she is a woman feeling vengeful after their one night together.

Ja'Marr Chase's star has risen sharply in his first two years in the NFL.

The former LSU wideout stands out as one of the most explosive and impressive players in the NFL.

In his first two years, Chase has tallied 168 catches, 2,501 receiving yards and 22 touchdowns.

Not saying the situation is headed one way or the other, but it's been quite the week for 'shakedowns.'

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Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick, living in Southern California. 

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Trying to out-wit this writer has been likened to staring at the sun and waiting for the sun to blink first. 

A writer of many things across copious mediums.

Interests: Jeopardy, movie theaters, Jiu-Jitsu, Christ, roller skating, Los Angeles. (follow @alejandroaveela on X)