Golden Knights Will Sell Championship Ring Replicas...For An Outrageous Price

If you happen to have an extra $75,000 just lying around, you can purchase a replica of the Vegas Golden Knights 2023 Stanley Cup Championship rings.

The players and coaches received their championship bling at a ceremony on Sunday night. To be fair, the rings are beautiful. 

Designed in collaboration with Jason of Beverly Hills, each ring contains roughly 12 carats of white and yellow diamonds. Symbolism and unique features abound within the design of the ring as well:

There’s more of these Easter Eggs in the design of the ring, but you get the picture. Vegas went all out to create this incredible championship jewelry.

And now, you can have one too! Just fork over 75 G’s and you’ll be all set.

Golden Knights Price Tag Is Justified, But Fans Will Want to Use Their Money Elsewhere

While some Golden Knights fans will pay that price for a bit of team history, it will rightfully intimidate many others.

Here are some numbers that put into perspective how crazy that price tag is:

Don’t get me wrong, something with that level of craftsmanship deserves that kind of price tag. But Vegas shouldn’t expect the rings to sell out anytime soon.

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John Simmons graduated from Liberty University hoping to become a sports journalist. He’s lived his dream while working for the Media Research Center and can’t wait to do more in this field with Outkick. He could bore you to death with his knowledge of professional ultimate frisbee, and his one life goal is to find Middle Earth and start a homestead in the Shire. He’s still working on how to make that happen.