Farting Scandal Rocks UCF Softball Program

A farting scandal has rocked the UCF softball program to the core, and the PR folks over in Orlando are scrambling to keep this thing afloat. 

Oh, you thought you were gonna be able to enjoy your Saturday without more drama in the sports world? Think again. 

And if you thought Shohei Ohtani potentially gambling on baseball and Caleb Williams wearing lip-gloss were big deals, wait till you see what's going on with the Knights. 

The question is simple, but the answer – so far – has been anything but …

Did freshman infielder Samantha Rey fart while legging out an infield single earlier this week against No. 2 Texas?

UCF softball girls field the tough questions 

I mean, come on. She said it, right? I don't think there's much debate at all here. I appreciate Samantha trying to cover her tracks and say she didn't say it, but she said it. 

Even her teammates ain't buying it. 

"Yeah, ya did."

When you're caught on camera yelling across the diamond that you let one rip while legging out a base knock, you have to own that. We've all been there before, by the way. There's nothing to be ashamed of here. 

Sam was trying to leg out a single to bump up the ‘ol average, and she farted out of the box. I get it. I’ve done it – more times than I can to admit. 

Every hit counts, and if that means you have to risk soiling your pants in the top of the third just to get one, so be it. 

And by the way, if this was a baseball player – AKA a guy – he'd openly admit it. Hell, he'd embrace it. Flaunt it. The ONLY reason UCF Sam ain't doing that is because she's a girl and there's an unwritten rule that girls don't fart. 

Someone had to say it, and I just did. Come after me if you're pissed I said it, I don't care. It's true. 

Aaaaaaand yes, I've seen the comments. I know half of you are asking about the girl to Sam's right. 

That would be UCF's other Sam – Samantha Delhoyo. You're welcome. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.