Ex-Viking Dalvin Cook Says Kirk Cousins Is Cool... No, Seriously

Dalvin Cook may not be a Viking anymore, but he's still going to stand up for Kirk Cousins.

The current free agent who has been sniffing around the New York Jets stopped by the NFL Network's Good Morning Football. That's when the conversation veered to known history buff and star of Netflix's Quarterback, Kirk Cousins.

The GMF regulars touted themselves as the Grand Poobahs of the Kirk Cousins Fan Club before asking the former Vikings running back if he had seen the docuseries that his old signal caller was featured in.

He said that he did... a little bit of it.

"Y'know, I watched a little bit of it and I think he deserved that spotlight," Cook said. "I think he's one of the most underrated quarterbacks around, but production-wise it's always there for him.

"So just seeing him on the show, everybody getting to see who Kirk Cousins really is behind the background, He's cool, man. He him."

Of course, that last bit about Kirk Cousins being cool stuck out. Cook was asked if Cousins really was "cool" in the traditional sense because he "seems like the nerdiest guy ever."

"That's his cool," Cook said.

Ah yes; the "Hip To Be A Square" paradox...

"That's who he is," Cook continued. "Every day he just wakes up the same person and I think that's what you want out of a teammate."

Cook summed up Cousins by saying one of his best qualities was that you know what you were getting from him.

"You know what you're getting out of Kirk," he said.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.