Ex-Red Sox Pitcher Matt Dermody Tells OutKick's Tomi Lahren He Won’t Bend Knee To Rejoin Woke MLB

Former Boston Red Sox pitcher Matt Dermody refuses to bend the knee to Major League Baseball if it means abandoning his faith.

Appearing on OutKick's "Tomi Lahren Is Fearless," Dermody discussed how outrage over online posts led to him getting cut by Boston.

He was criticized in June for posts he made in 2021 containing Bible verses deemed 'anti-LGBT.'

Dermody also received flak for being a conservative, specifically voicing his support of former U.S. President Donald Trump.

Ex-Red Sox Pitcher Won't Apologize For Beliefs, Old Tweets

When asked if he would apologize to re-gain an MLB roster spot, Dermody responded with a resounding "no." Dermody admitted to never wanting to play another pitch if it meant apologizing for his beliefs.

Tomi discussed, "So if the team sees you and you're doing well and they call you in and they say, 'Hey, listen, we would love to have you back in the major leagues, but we're still concerned about this tweet and we're wondering if you would apologize for it or wondering if you would explain it.'

(WATCH Tomi's Discussion With Matt Dermody Tonight (7/20) at 7 p.m. (EST) via OutKick’s YouTubeTwitter and Facebook)

"What do you tell those front offices in the future if they were to have that conversation with you?"

Matt Dermody is sticking to his principles after watching players like Anthony Bass for the Toronto Blue Jays fold to the outrage and still lose their roster spot.

Dermody responded, "Well, I mean, I would kind of just tell them like the response I gave on the day that I pitched in Cleveland: 'I'm sorry for hurting people's feelings, you know, but I believe in God. I believe in the word of God.'"

The 33-year-old added, "I want people to get to heaven. So I'm not going to affirm any kind of sinful or immoral behavior that's going to lead people astray.

"You know, Jesus said the way to heaven is a 'narrow road.' It's the broad road, you know, the easy road that leads to destruction."

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