Dumb Guy Claims To Be UCF Player During Line-Cutting Argument At Disney World, School Denies Him Being On Team

A man got caught trying to argue with someone in line for a ride at Disney World by telling them he played for the UCF Knights football program. Unfortunately for him, the football program was all too happy to blow up his spot and tell everyone they had no idea who he was.

It all started when a video started making the rounds on TikTok that appeared to show a group of early-twenties-ish adults in line for the ride Soarin' at Epcot.

Soarin' is a ride where you sit in a motion simulator that makes it feel like you're leisurely hang gliding. However, this was anything but relaxing when the person behind the camera called the group out for cutting in line. That's the worst thing you can do in line at Disney World...

...second worst.

The entire confrontation was caught on camera, and just a heads up, there's some NSFW language involved.

They didn't take too kindly to that, and they started hurling insults at the accuser. At one point, the apparent ring leader announced that he played football at the University of Central Florida.

This Line-Cutter Was Nothing More Than A Wanna-Be Athlete Who Lied About Playing For UCF For Some Reason

Playing college is an odd thing to bring up in an argument about cutting in line at Disney World. It's an even weirder thing to bring up when it's not true.

The video gained over 1 million views and considering how terrible the wanna-be football player comes across, it shouldn't come as any surprise that the Knights football program would make sure everyone knew that this wasn't one of their guys.

I love that the UCF football program didn't waste a lot of time on drafting a statement about this doofus. Just a quick, "Nope; no idea who he is," did the trick. Better yet, there's probably nothing that eats away at that guy more than the realization that he's a nobody.

This is all why you don't cut in line. You'll always look like the bad guy.

But if you do try to cut in line, don't be like this dummy and try to lie about being a Division-I athlete.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.