Camila Giorgi Accused of Using a Fake COVID Vaccine Card

Italian tennis star Camila Giorgi has been accused of using a fake COVID vaccine certificate.

Giorgi has won three singles titles in her career, and has more than 400 wins on tour.

One of her doctors recently gave an interview to the Italian media, and claimed that Giorgi and family members had received a fake COVID-19 vaccine certificate.

According to Fox News, she had also been named in a December report that "revealed names of celebrities and athletes who allegedly didn't receive a COVID vaccination."

The doctor, Daniela Grillone, was arrested in 2022 for allegedly providing fake COVID shots and giving out certificates to influential Italians.

Grillone said that Giorgi came to her before the summer asking about receiving a fake proof of vaccination record.

"'The Giorgi family has been under treatment with me for a long time. Camila Giorgi suffered from the so-called tennis elbow," Grillone told Italy’s Corriere del Veneto. "Shortly before the beginning of summer, she had come asking for the possibility of obtaining false proof of all the mandatory vaccines, as well as the COVID vaccine. I can confirm with absolute certainty that none of the vaccines against the Giorgi family have actually been administered."

Camila Giorgi Situation Shows Stupidity of Mandates

Assuming that this story is accurate, it once again highlights the absurdity and insanity of COVID vaccine mandates.

Athletes, some of the healthiest people on earth, were forced into getting a medical treatment they didn't want. Not to mention that it provided zero benefit with regards to protecting others.

Novak Djokovic famously has been barred from competing in multiple tournaments, based on similarly nonsensical policies.


Vaccine mandates made no sense in 2021, and they make even no sense in 2023.

Yet the WTA is apparently monitoring any "investigations," according to Fox News.

"We are aware of the allegations and are currently monitoring the situation and any investigations that may be brought forward."

What's the point of investigating something this unimportant?

Giorgi's vaccination status is no one's business but her own. Outside of the U.S., the vast majority of the world now admits that as well.

Both the fact that she was allegedly forced to take such measures is a historic embarrassment. As is the fact that anyone still cares.