Clay: President Biden Failed On His Promise To 'Shut Down The Virus'

President Joe Biden's 2020 campaign was based on three main points. He did not want to shut down the country or the economy, and he promised to stop the coronavirus. If given a mulligan, he'd probably take an eraser to those plans and maybe edit in some mandatory ice cream breaks (while socially distanced, of course).

On Tuesday, the United States set an all-time record for COVID cases. Adding yet another L to President Biden's resume.

As OutKick founder Clay Travis pointed out, Biden has failed, miserably. "Joe Biden ran his entire 2020 presidential campaign claiming he would end COVID. Yesterday the United States set an all time record for COVID cases. Now Biden says there's no role for the federal government when it comes to COVID. He's a complete and total failure," tweeted Travis.

The daily average of COVID cases across the U.S. on Tuesday was 267,305. That number represents a 126% increase over the previous 14 days. That number also represents President Biden's massive failure. It was less than two years ago when Biden said via his own twitter account: "I'm not going to shut down the country. I'm not going to shut down the economy. I'm going to shut down the virus." Well, he's 0 for 3.

Before that Nostradamus-like tweet, Biden also said: "We're eight months into this pandemic, and Donald Trump doesn't have a plan to get this virus under control. I do."


For those keeping score at home, the economy is the worst it's been in years, parts of the country remain locked down, and the virus spread has resulted in a record number of cases.  But...we do have boosters! Lots and lots of boosters!

Apparently it's all part of the plan.


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Anthony is a former high school basketball intramural champion who played a leading role in creating two offspring. He spends his weekends hoping for an MTV Rock N' Jock revival. Follow him on X (@OhioAF).