Paige Spiranac Gives Fans Taste Of 2024 Swimsuit Calendar

It's just about that time of year again for all the influencers out there. Well, at least for the top-ranked ones, like Paige Spiranac.

That's right. It's nearly Calendar Shoot SZN. Plan accordingly.

Spiranac, Golf's No. 1 influencer and perhaps the most well-known sports influencer in the US of A, alerted her followers that it was just about that time, while also taking them behind the scenes of last year's shoot.

It was basically her version of firing up the Bat Signal and saying it's about to go down.

"About to shoot my 2024 calendar but you can see all the BTS of my 2023 calendar and more here," she tweeted out before linking to her popular OnlyPaige site.

Paige Spiranac teases new calendar shoot

Now, if you don't have an OnlyPaige, don't sweat it. Shockingly, OutKick covered Spiranac's 2023 calendar unveiling last fall before OP was a thing and that sort of content was free for all.

From Joe Kinsey last October:

The wokes wanted to suck the T (testosterone) right out of this country one soy-based Brown Sugar Oat Americano at a time.

As I’ve written over and over, this is a fight that red-blooded America MUST WIN. Thanks to the likes of Hooters and Paige-views Spiranac, the wokes are on their heels. They feel the grip they had on FUN’s throat.

“I’ve always wanted to do a calendar for the longest time because I come from a calendar family,” Paige-views told the New York Post.

This woman just went out and did her part to save red-blooded America from soy boys. It was just Paige and a photographer.

“It was a two-man job, but the photos don’t reflect that at all. They look amazing and they are my most favorite photos I have ever taken,” she added.

Boom, I’m sold. Say no more.

That makes two of us, Joe!

Can't wait to see what sort of content Paige Spiranac pumps out this year. She went Wild Wild West in 2022, so it's a big act to follow.

Personally, I hope she teams up with Yuengling or Ultra Right and just leans in to the Bud Light hate. I feel like that would melt the internet.

I don't think it'll happen because Pageviews doesn't like to get political, which is probably smart. Regardless, I'm sure she'll knock whatever she does out the park.

Can't wait.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.