Raiders Team Chaplain Randall Cunningham Says Goodbye To City of Sin

Las Vegas Raiders chaplain and former Minnesota Vikings quarterback Randall Cunningham announced that he'll be leaving Las Vegas after serving with the team as the on-site minister for the last two seasons.

Cunningham made the confession on Wednesday, taking to Facebook to relay his completed resignation from the team.

“After 2 years of serving as the LV Raiders Chaplain and much prayer, I have decided to resign,” Cunningham announced on his Facebook profile.

He was originally brought on by now-resigned head coach Jon Gruden.

“I thank Jon Gruden for the opportunity to be involved. It’s just time to move on,” Cunningham added.

From Gruden's resignation to the off-the-field headlines that severely affected the Raiders this past year, the next guy in line for Cunningham's job will need more than a mustard seed of faith.

Traditionally, all 32 NFL teams employ an on-site chaplain.

“There’s a really good friendship and fellowship among the chaplains,” said Kansas City Chiefs chaplain Marcellus Casey, in an interview with Sports Spectrum. “We all love each other, we cheer each other on, we pray for each other.” 

Just don't look back, Randall.


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Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick - living in Southern California.

All about Jeopardy, sports, Thai food, Jiu-Jitsu, faith. I've watched every movie, ever. (@alejandroaveela, via X)