UNC Football Virtue Signals With Latest Stunt

North Carolina football unveiled their jerseys this morning against Notre Dame with the phrase "Protect Black Lives" and "Equality" on the back. Just when we thought virtue signaling in sports was on its way out the door--it's back with a vengeance.

We imagine the athletic director would tell us that the players just want "to start a conversation," but that's not what these type of gimmicks do. So far, patches and logos have done nothing but separate the "sides" even further, making actual dialogue all but impossible. Patches and ribbons are a great way to show support for minorities around the world without having to actually do anything of substance.

It would be better if North Carolina's football program threw a fundraiser for our minority communities. You know, actually do something to change the situation of these communities. However, it's likely that change isn't the end goal here. As in most cases of virtue signaling, Carolina is worried only about looking good, not doing good.

The pandering may never stop.

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Gary Sheffield Jr is the son of should-be MLB Hall of Famer, Gary Sheffield. He covers basketball and baseball for OutKick.com, chats with the Purple and Gold faithful on LakersNation, and shitposts on Twitter. You can follow him at GarySheffieldJr