Michelle Beadle Says LeBron Slid Into Her DMs After His Feelings Were Hurt

Former ESPN personality Michelle Beadle has let up on her criticisms of NBA superstar LeBron James.

Beadle pulled on that contentious thread during an appearance on The Sessions podcast with Renee Paquette, where the former ESPN pundit mentioned a story involving LeBron sliding into her DMs over choice critiques she had on LBJ's infamous 'Decision.'

“I made fun of ‘The Decision,’ and I was one of about a bazillion people that did,” Beadle said.

"It was hilarious, and I remember ... I got a DM that was like, ‘Why are you so mean to me on television?’ And I just sort of laughed it off. I didn’t even think about it.”

According to Beadle, other members of the sports media attested to receiving messages from The King whenever they lobbed any criticism his way.

In her case, LeBron went as far as trying to get Beadle fired from ESPN.

“Of course, I took it personally, it was personal, he wanted me fired, he tried to do that,” Beadle stated.

She added, “But then I found out after the fact, when all of this sort of came out, I would get messages or texts or videos from people being like, that kind of s**t was happening to them too."

Though Beadle has proven to be a fiery commentator — often on the wrong side of debates — the fragile ego on display by LeBron is downright egregious.

"He was super petty and he would try to have some sort of an effect, whether it would be small or whatever, just an effect.”

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