Clay Travis: America Is Safer When We Trust The Police

The COVID-19 virus has been deemed the greatest threat to our society by Democrats and activists with similar priorities. Meanwhile, all-time high murder rates continue to claim the lives of Americans from all walks of life: Young and old, white and black, poor and rich.

Americans who have been paying attention since the violent George Floyd riots of 2020 understand that driving police away from underprivileged neighborhoods, minority communities and all areas in the nation was never going to make them safer.

One year later, Americans are left with cities like Chicago where toddlers get shot down in the street over unsafe conditions caused by lack of policing. And the political activists who called for defunding are now letting the rest of American society suffer the dangerous effects of their movement.

At the crux of defunding the police comes the need to dehumanize them, which hasn't been going well for America.

On Thursday's episode of OutKick the Show, Clay Travis walked through the implications of new highs in murder rates, and how demonizing police has slowly opened up American streets for criminals and gangs to lay claim.

"Why did the murder rate in 2020 suddenly skyrocket?" asks Clay. "It's because we allowed people to attack the police and try to send a message that police were the problem in this country — even though police solve and save and protect people who are white, black, Asian or Hispanic at unbelievable rates.

"If you demonize police, they move out. They don't work as hard. They don't pursue justice as aggressively. They don't police anywhere near the same level. Then the criminal element moves in and violence crime skyrockets, particularly murder."

Once the George Floyd scene spread through the online forums, Democrats and BLM seized a narrative to pit minorities, especially black people, against the police. Defunding and ousting the police now means a tragic loss of security for all Americans.

"The reality is, the Defund the Police people don't actually care because they're arguing politics. They're not actually trying to make anyone's life actually better. As a result, police pull back, they aren't able to protect people and the murder rate skyrockets as the criminal element comes in. We saw it happen in 2016 with Ferguson; we saw it happen nationwide in 2020."

If you agree with Clay, chief medical authority Joy Reid may have a syndrome for you.

Join the Fund the Police movement with your own OutKick gear. Also tune in to The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show to get more honest and insightful coverage on America, sports and politics.

Follow along on Twitter: @AlejandroAveela

Written by

Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick, living in Southern California. 

AA's insights on topics ranging from cinema to food and politics transformed the lives of average folks worldwide into followers of the OutKick Way©

Trying to out-wit this writer has been likened to staring at the sun and waiting for it to blink first. 

Interests: Jeopardy, movies, Jiu-Jitsu, faith, Los Angeles. (follow @alejandroaveela on X)