Impeach? Joe Biden Endorses Rugby Over Football

President Joe Biden seems to think rugby is a superior sport to football.

As anyone reading this knows, football is hardwired into the DNA of this beautiful country we call home. Winning Super Bowls and college football national titles is what separates us from the soulless communists around the world.

In this country, we celebrate and defend football at all costs....well, unless you're the man who runs the White House. Then, you go overseas and endorse rugby over America's most popular sport.

That's exactly what Joe Biden did while in Ireland!

"The interesting thing is I'd rather have my children playing rugby now for health reasons than I would have them playing football. Fewer people get hurt playing rugby, and you have no equipment, you have 280 pounds like we do and you just don't hit each other in the head very often," the 46th President of the United States of America told the Irish Parliament Thursday.

Ruby is incredibly popular in Ireland, but it doesn't come close to touching football in the USA.

Joe Biden couldn't be more wrong.

We're officially living in a very dark time, folks. Whenever the President of the United States goes overseas and endorses a different sport over football, you know the wheels have officially come off the tracks.

This is the USA we're talking about. In this country, we play football, drink cold, cheap domestic bears (probably not Bud Light at this point, though), go undefeated in World Wars and celebrate freedom. That's what the red, white and blue is all about. Even our military generals know that football is the reason we mold young adults into soldiers with such efficiency, according to former UNC coach Larry Fedora. I've been told the same from other military officials.

While people around the globe are busy debating soccer, we have a sport where American gladiators strap on the pads and get to work. It's the greatest team sport in the history of the world, and it molds young men into adults.

Do people get hurt? Yes, but people can get hurt doing anything. Serious steps have been taken to improve safety, and football has never been safer at all levels.

The sport is as American as it gets.

Most importantly, football is part of the American identity. It's an American sport. It's ours, and we won't give it up for anything.

When the COVID fanatics tried to take it in 2020, many people, including OutKick, fought like dogs to make sure football was played. I guess that's a spirit Joe Biden just wouldn't have had if he was President then.

Personally, I have nothing against anyone who plays rugby. I'm sure it's a fine sport, but America didn't become back-to-back World War champs by playing rugby. We did that in an era when the popularity of football was exploding in the USA. Let the Irish keep their rugby. As long as millions of patriotic Americans are still alive and breathing, we will continue to fight for and defend the greatest sport ever invented: football.

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.