Influencer Says Athletes All Use The Same Move When Sliding Into Her DMs

As long as there are influencers in the world there will be athletes attempting to slide into their DMs. It's a natural part of the social media experience and one that's not going to end any time soon.

Influencer Raquel Reitx knows this all too well. She's had plenty of experience with athletes sliding into her DMs and says they all use the same move. The move is so widely used she thinks it's an agreed upon tactic.

"I reckon that in the dressing rooms they have openly agreed how to do it. They all do the same thing," Raquel said during a recent podcast appearance. "They send a 'fire' emoji, but they don't react to the story."

If the athletes doesn't receive a response from the influencer it's on to step two, delete the fire emojis. She continued, "They send it. If you don't answer them, they delete it. Always the same."

Raquel has a simple explanation for the move. Athletes don't have to work hard to get your attention. They're counting on their celebrity status to help open the door for them.

Why a fire emoji? Because it's vague enough to be interpreted several ways. While she admits she's received plenty of DMs from athletes, especially soccer players, the move has never worked on her.

She's not interested in interacting with people, even high profile athletes, in the DMs on social media. She's prefers to interact in person. So shooting your shot face-to-face is going to have a much higher rate of success.

Raquel Reitx Prefers Interacting Outside Of The DMs

"I have never been one to get with people from social networks," Raquel admitted. "In fact, those who I've been with, I've met them before in person than on networks."

The influencer with more than 530k Instagram followers says she isn't good at responded to messages, let alone direct messages that come in the form of emojis.

"I have never had anything with a footballer. They don't attract my attention. Especially with these uninteresting attempts to get women to talk to them. Not for me."

There you have it. The fire emoji trick isn't working on this influencer. She's looking for someone who knows how to actually communicate with things like words and talking. Good luck, Raquel.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.