Woman Arrested After Showing Up Drunk To A Job Interview At A Sheriff's Office

If you're wondering if it's a good idea to show up to a job interview after having a few drinks let me save you some trouble - it's not. It's an even worse idea to show up for a job interview at a sheriff's office intoxicated.

Especially if you drove yourself to the interview. That's a good way to find yourself behind bars. An Indiana woman found this out the hard way last week.

According to police, Nicole Sniadecki showed up for a morning job interview just before 9 a.m. at the the Marshall County Sheriff's Office in Plymouth, Indiana. During her interview with Captain Jeff Snyder, he noticed that she had slurred speech and alcohol on her breath.

The interview quickly turned into the 39-year-old being questioned by Snyder. It was long before Sniadecki admitted that she had been drinking that morning. She also told the captain that she had driven herself to the interview.

After her admission, Sniadecki was given a certified breath test by Detective Lieutenant Les McFarland. The results of the breathalyzer showed a blood alcohol level of .158. That's almost twice the legal limit.

Sniadecki was arrested and taken to the Marshall County Jail for operating a vehicle while intoxicated. Her bond was set as $1,500.

Being Arrested For DUI Isn't The Best Job Interview Strategy

As for the job she was applying for, it's a safe bet that she didn't get it. The sheriff's office is in all likelihood searching for a more qualified candidate.

You know, someone who can avoid being arrested during the in-person interview. To be fair to our alleged criminal, that probably wasn't mentioned during the application process. Those are more like understood types of requirements.

Unless, of course, she was applying for a job as a person who goes undercover and tests the ability of officers to recognize intoxication. If that's the case, she nailed it.

Something tells me that's not an actual job. I'd personally keep her name on file just in case something along those lines happened to open up. You never know.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.