Georgia Cheerleader Who Went Viral For Massive Biceps Resurfaces With Predictable Job

Remember the Georgia Bulldogs cheerleader who went viral about a decade ago because she was insanely jacked and had the biggest biceps known to man?

Well, she's BACK in the news. New last name, but still built like a brick wall -- and she's landed herself a pretty predictable new job.

Meet Anna Munzenmaier -- formerly Anna Watson -- the newest D1 trainer in Athens:

Georgia Bulldogs cheerleader Anna Watson is now a trainer

My God. What a specimen! Anna here went viral way back in 2012, so I figured there was no shot OutKick would have anything on her.

Was the Internet even around in 2012? Who knows? I was a freshman in college so I can promise you I don't remember anything from 2012.

Anyway, imagine my surprise when I Googled Anna OutKick and BAM -- front and center -- our fearless leader, Clay Travis, was all over this story during the site's infancy stages.


From Clay, circa 2012 (was he a liberal then? I think?):


Anna Watson is a Georgia cheerleader.

And, as you can see from this photo, she has bigger biceps than you. And Aaron Murray. And me.

According to the Georgia student newspaper, she turned down a $75,000 modeling job that required her to use steroids. That’s because, evidently, her biceps aren’t big enough yet. Yikes.

Somewhere Aaron Murray is flexing his biceps and crying in front of the mirror.

Here she is again so you can cry too.

Oh. My. Goodness. (Verne Lundquist chortle).

Hilarious. Remember Verne? Those were the days of college football.

Anyway, back to Anna. She resurfaced for some reason today, so I decided to look at her bio over at D1 Training, where she's now a Strength and Conditioning coach.

It also appears to be a family business, because there's a Fred Munzenmaier who's the co-owner. I'd assume that's where the name-change comes from. Just a hunch.

Anna graduated from The University of Georgia and cheered competitively and between the hedges from 2011-2013 while earning a degree in Exercise Science. Upon earning her degree she became a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA," he bio reads.

Anna especially enjoys working with women and teaching proper mechanics to empower others to feel confident in and out of the weight room. Anna loves to see her clients grow in self-efficacy and the ability to appreciate all their amazing bodies can do!

Doing a little more digging, Anna went pretty viral during and after her time at Georgia, and even had a little sit-down with Robin Roberts on GMA back in the day.

LOVE this girl. I can't imagine the drugs I'd take for 75k. Hell, I can't imagine the drugs I'd take for $75 in this economy. But not Anna.

That's a damn Georgia Bulldog if I've ever seen one.

Welcome back to the spotlight, Anna. Dogs by a billion on Saturday.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.