Florida Woman Tells Officers She's 'Too Pretty For Jail' As She's Handcuffed & Taken To Jail

There's one really solid way to avoid taking a trip to jail. No, it's not claiming that you're too pretty for jail. The best way is to avoid a trip is by not breaking the law in the first place.

It seems like self-explanatory strategy, but you'd be surprised. A 20-year-old Florida woman, identified as Sadie, found out the too pretty for jail excuse doesn't usually work when officers from the Eustis Police Department stopped her on Halloween night a couple of years ago.

They suspected her of having too much to drink due to her glossy eyes and a strong odor of alcohol on her breath. So they ask her to perform some field sobriety tests, which she is very apprehensive about doing.

She's not confident she can pass the field sobriety tests, because of how hard they are. She knows the difficulty, because she claims her mother is a former cop and her father is a felon.

After the back-and-forth with officers, she eventually agrees to attempt the field sobriety tests. As officers suspected, Sadie didn't pass the tests and was arrested.

Once in handcuffs her concern shifts to going to jail in a tight miniskirt and fishnets. As she's being frisked by a female officer she says, "You know how the girls are in there, they'll get me."

Which she follows up by claiming, "I'm pretty. I'm too pretty for jail."

There's No Such Thing As Too Pretty For Jail

It's not the first time the "too pretty" excuse has been used and it won't be the last. The excuse has been used for everything from an engineering career to working at McDonald's.

It's even been attempted before a DUI arrest. Both Saide and the South Carolina woman who tried it before found out that it doesn't help avoid the trip to jail.

She reportedly refused the breathalyzer and blood test at the police station and ended up being booked into the Lake County Jail.

Yet another failed attempt at claiming to be too pretty for jail. But as is often the case in these situations, it's the attempt that counts. Who knows, maybe one day an officer will agree.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.