Elon Musk's Dad Thinks His Son Fighting Mark Zuckerberg Is A Bad Idea

A lot of people would break their remote trying to order a Mark Zuckerberg-Elon Musk fight pay-per-view as fast as they can.

Musk's old man probably isn't one of those people. He thinks it's a bad idea.

Errol Musk thinks the fight is a no-win situation for his billionaire son. (By the way, Elon Musk's dad being named Errol is the least surprising thing I learned today.)

"The thing is if this crazy fight goes ahead, if Elon beats this guy, Elon will be called a bully, being so much heavier and taller, while if he loses the humiliation would be total," Errol said.

"It's a no-win situation for Elon," he continued. "I think Elon has got himself into a difficult situation as a result of his high school behavior. They both have."

I think Old Man Errol is right. Musk does have the size advantage over Zuck, and if he did beat the Facebook founder to a pulp it might be a bad look. I mean, what did Zuckerberg ever do to deserve something like that? All he ever did was steal the personal information of millions of users and lead a company through an unending series of scandals.

Still, if Musk loses he will have gotten beat by the dude who proudly displayed a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's barbeque sauce on his shelf.

It's tough to come back from that.

Musk and Zuckerberg Fight Could Only Happen Today

This potential fight came to be after Musk challenged Zuckerberg to a cage fight after rumors swirled that the Facebook founder wanted to launch a Twitter competitor.

Zuck accepted. Now the talk is that they're working out the details of how this tech-bro bout would go down.

The one thing that blows my mind about this potential fight is that it could only happen in 2023.

Sure, back in the day, there were duels. Pistols at dawn. That was how rich dudes settled their beefs in what scholars refer to as "the day."

However, can you imagine any other rich dude's after the industrial revolution going at it like this?

Can you picture John D. Rockefeller throwing down with Andrew Carnegie? I can't.

How about a Howard Hughes chuckin' knucks with William Randolph Hears? Nope, can't picture it. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if Hearst challenged Orson Welles to a fight at some point.

Although, maybe someone will like to cobble together videos of these fights with the help of modern AI technology.

If you do, I would very much like to see them.

Follow on Twitter: @Matt_Reigle

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.