Yuengling Puts Bud Light In A Body Bag With Vicious Song Choice In New Ad

My goodness, Yuengling ain't even trying to hide its Bud Light trolling anymore.

You don't become America's Oldest Brewery by accident, you know. Sometimes, you have to take a couple big swings along the way, ruffle some feathers, poke the bear.

And buddy, let me tell you -- Yuengling didn't just poke the Bud Light bear with its latest ad. The folks up in Pottsville crushed it to dust and stuffed the remains in a locker.

Anyone remember Bud Light's first big commercial after the Dylan Mulvaney mess? The one that aired during the NFL Draft and was ripped to shreds by everyone, including OutKick, for it's clear pandering by using the country song, Chicken Fried?

Well, buckle the hell up for the latest Yuengling haymaker:

Yuengling shows Bud Light how to properly use Chicken Fried

Holy moly. I didn't think Yuengling could top it's perfectly-timed tweet back in April that went viral, but kudos to the marketing team. They get it. Give them a raise and then double it.

Vicious stuff here. And it ain't just the song, either. Notice the talent? That would be Yuengling's most popular spokesperson, professional golfer Madi Frerking. They've used her several times over the years but they've recently rolled her out more and more.

Surely a coincidence, right?

No doubt!

Anyway, here's the original Bud Light ad, followed by the OutKick story by yours truly crushing it to dust for mocking us.

No, Bud Light. You don’t get to just play one of the most American songs of my time, have a couple cowgirls run around in the rain and assume you’ve fixed everything.

Don’t patronize us. We’re not dumb. We may be a little buzzed, but we’re not dumb.

Most importantly, don’t make me spit out my Yuengling ever again. I don’t want to waste one sip of my new cold beer on a Friday night.

Unreal move here by Yuengling, and I respect it. Strike while the iron's hot, and -- judging by the latest sales numbers -- it is PIPING right now.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.