World's Sexiest Volleyballer Flashes Her Freckles, John Daly Hurt Ripping Cigs & Scottie's Mug On A Shirt
I mean, who has it better than us?
I knew the content coming out of the PGA Championship would be elite, but buddy, I didn't know we'd get Scottie Scheffler in the clink hours before his tee time content.
What a start to the day. What a whirlwind. What an unbelievable gift from the #ContentGods. The mugshot shirts, the memes, the unhinged tweets, the hilarious police report – the internet had a hanging curve lobbed up at ‘em today, and smashed it to the moon. I’m so proud of each and every one of you.
Let's dive in.
Welcome to a Friday Nightcaps – where we try to piece together everything that happened this morning and also get a pump in with Kayla Simmons. It's been a while since the World's Sexiest Volleyballer stopped by, so we'll go ahead and fix that today.
What else? John Daly withdrew from the PGA this morning with a thumb injury – a day after ripping two packs of cigarettes. That's a true story, by the way. The Scheffler news overshadowed poor John, but we don't miss things around here.
We also had the Sports Illustrated legends all gather in one place last night and Paul Skenes' girlfriend was there, so I reckon we'll grab some content from that little gala, too.
Seems like something that's in our wheelhouse. Just a guess.
OK, we've gotta MOVE today, because it's a damn Friday and I've got a babysitter for tonight. Scottie ain't the only dad getting out of prison today!
Drink up, let's roll:
If you think we're not starting with funny Scottie Scheffler tweets, you're insane
I know by now you've all probably seen a lot of these, but I can't, in good faith, ignore the Scottie Scheffler memes circulating the internet today. I just can't do it.
Like I said, the internet delivered. And we got them from all angles! The funny ones, the obvious ones, Joe Biden, the race-baiters, RGIII being just an idiot – I'm telling you, we covered every single base. Incredible work.
Let's start with the HOF ones:
I mean just A+ work all around. Amazing job, everyone. That last one? Classic. Do y'all remember it? If not, allow Dubya to jog the 'ol memory:
What a president. Amazing. Absolute missile, too.
Now, to the idiots! You should all recognize most of these fine folks:
Don't let the Scheffler drama distract you from John Daly
Acho with the passive-aggressive race-baiting tweet, RGIII casually forgetting about Tiger getting the shit beat out of him with a golf club, Jon Jones making the folks at CBS proud with his progressive stance, and, of course, reliable Mike Freeman getting ready to pen his next anti-white column.
$100 says the headline looks something like this: The Scottie Scheffler Arrest Is The Wakeup Call White America Needed.
Take it to the bank. Can't WAIT to dive into that one.
Now, before we leave Valhalla (for the last time, I'd imagine), let's not forget about John Daly. The GOAT withdrew this morning with a thumb injury – one day after shooting 11-over whilst hammering enough darts to make old-school Jim Leyland proud:
Help from an inmate, SI swimsuit gala & Harrison Butker update
Honestly, John Daly showing up to Valhalla, seeing a swarm of red lights, and bailing is maybe the most believable thing I've heard today. I could 100% see that being the case.
Hell, I'm gonna go ahead and assume it was the case until I'm told otherwise. What a legend.
OK, rapid-fire time as we barrel towards a big weekend! First up? Since we're already talking about inmates today …
I mean, this guy should immediately be released, right? Feel like this move is an automatic get-out-of-jail-free card.
Name me a better form of rehabilitation than this. I guess you could go the Jigsaw route, but frankly this seems easier, less messy, and yields quicker results. No reason to have this cat wasting our tax dollars in the clink for a crime he just un-committed.
#FreeScottie and #FreeThisGuy!
Next? We had an influencer BATTLE at the SI Swimsuit gala last night:

Talk about worlds – and generations – colliding! Livvy, Paige and … Christie Brinkley! Christie, by the way, turned 70 (!!!) earlier this year. Does our girl still have it or what?
Finally … let's quickly check in on the damage that devil Harrison Butker has done to his reputation this week. I'm sure he's toast, right? I mean, the mob (2%) on Twitter wants him fired, so he HAS to be donezo right about now …
World's Sexiest Volleyballer Kayla Simmons takes us into the weekend
I mean, it's just so predictable. Here's a good rule of thumb – whenever the majority of Twitter agrees on something, always, ALWAYS, take the opposite side.
I promise you, it's always the right answer in the end. Twitter is fake life. The woke sports media is fake life. They're all such a tiny, tiny faction of actual society.
They'll never, ever realize it, but that's OK – it just makes things like this that much funnier. Sorry, folks – Harrison Butker ain't getting canceled. He ain't getting fired. He ain't getting cut.
Take us home, Kayla Simmons! Good to see you moving around.
See you Monday.
OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. (roughly, we’re not robots).
Did Scottie Scheffler just start a race war? Email me at